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Algiers, Algeria.

Saturday comes by so fast, and Aamir has been super nervous since morning. "What if her father says no? What if I'm not good enough in his eyes?" The what-if list he listed was endless.

I made some shawarmas to take over to their house, and it was almost time to leave. We would be going to the masjid from their house. I pin my veil in place and fold my hijab for later.

Nana comes knocking on my door. "It's time to go!" he yells from the other side. "Come!" I reply by picking up my bag and stuffing it with my hijab. We take two cars to their house; Baba takes Nana and Nanu, while Aamir takes me and Ommi.

"It's going to be fine, Aamir. I'm sure they'll love you; they have to," I assure him as we wait for the front door to open. And as if it were opened by Naeem, what is he doing here, and how is he related to Nasreen?

"Asalamu alaikum," he greets. "Come in, please," he says, holding onto the door. "Mashaa Allah Naeem, nice to see you again," Baba says. "How come you're here?" He asks, "Well, my mother sent me over with a fruit basket for her sister Nasreen's mom," he explains. "Oh, Mashaa Allah, are you staying for dinner?" A man appears from inside the house; I'm guessing he is Nasreen's father.

"No, uncle, I have a few errands I need to attend to; maybe next time, in shaa Allah," he apologies, heading for the door. "Good luck, man," he whispers to Aamir, patting him on the back before leaving.

"I'm so sorry, please come in," Nasreen's father says, taking us into the living room. Their house is very simple and cozy, Mashaa Allah. I sit close to Ommi after dropping the shawarma on the dining table. "Mashaa Allah, nice to see all of you," he greets, "and Fatima will be down soon." I'm guessing Nasreen's mom.

Nasreen is the only child of both parents and just finished her masters degree a few months ago. She is older than me by two years.

I do hope things work out and she ends up being my sister-in-law. She and Aamir would make a cute couple, Mashaa Allah. "You must be Aman," her father says, looking at me, and I nod. "Asalamu alaikum," I smile. "Waalaikumus salam abnati, go meet Nasreen upstairs so we can talk," he says, and I nod.

I ascend the flight of stairs, and I find Nasreen coming out of her room. "Asalamu alaikum," I greet, "your father sent me up to stay with you while they discuss things. I hope you don't mind." I ask. "Waalaikumus salam, no, no, it's fine, please come in," she smiles.

I learned a lot about her as we talked, and Mashaa Allah, she's a really nice girl. Just like I said, she's perfect for my brother. We continue to talk until the adhan for magrib is called, and we both go downstairs to pray. After praying, we all move to the dining room for iftar.

After dinner, Aamir and Nasreen are given room to get to know each other with me as the third person. They talk for at least fifteen minutes, and then Baba says it's time to leave, so we aren't late for I'sha.

They all escort us outside, and we say our goodbyes before driving straight to the mosque. "So, Aamir, everything went well, and if you both are fine with it, we can set up a sit-and-talk for you too to get to know each other," Ommi says as Aamir parks the car.

"That's fine, Ommi." Aamir agrees, "Your father will tell you more later in shaa Allah." Ommi says as me, her, and Nanu walk in the direction of the women's section.

I don't see Zara today. So after Taraweeh, I immediately followed Ommi outside. Naeem led Taraweeh again today. I don't know how I knew it was him, but it was him. The three times I've met him, he has been nothing like all the other brothers from this community. Not that the others lack respect, but he is just different.

I don't know how to explain it, but he is. Plus, I'm really just noticing today that he's really tall—taller than Aamir, might I say? Enough of him; I shouldn't be thinking of him in such a manner. "Auzubillah," I say as I stop in front of the car, waiting for Aamir.

When we get home, Aamir follows me up to my room while the elders stay downstairs for some tea. "Was she nice to you, Aman?" He asks, "She was more than nice, Masha Allah. Do give it a chance and get to know her more, you know. See where things go." I advise taking off my hijab.

"I will see to that," he nods. "Don't forget to pray to Allah and make istiharah," I add. "Of course, Ramadan is the best time to ask Allah for something; I surely will," he chuckles. "Are you going to the mosque early tomorrow? I want to go with you," I ask.

"Yes, insha'Allah," he replies, checking his phone. "Do inform me of when you're going," I say, "I will, and can you please make that chocolate cake of yours so I can take it with me tomorrow? We are having iftar at the mosque in shaa Allah." He asks.

"Sure, I'll make it with extra chocolate syrup just how you like it." I smile. "You're the best," he praises, getting up to hug me, and I giggle. "Get some sleep, and don't forget to pray for me," he says, and I nod, patting him on the back.

"Insha'Allah," I say.

Don't you just love how Aamir and Aman talk to each other?
Anyways see you all next week in shaa Allah don't forget to vote comment and share🤍.

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