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Algiers, Algeria.

Eid was amazing, Alhamdulilah, and today is Aamir's engagement. I got this beautiful beige abaya and matching shoes too, which I can't wait to wear. Aamir looks dashing, Mashaa Allah.

He was out all week making sure everything was in place for the engagement, and  insha'Allah, everything will be fine and go according to plan. I finish cleaning up the house after serving breakfast to my aunts and uncles before running back to my room to take a quick shower.

After my shower, I put on my abaya and a simple set of jewellery. I don't like makep, s so I just put on some lip gloss and kohl on my eyes before joining everyone outside.


The ceremony wasn't done the way you see it done in films; it was just us family and friends here to witness them being promised to each other, and no rings were exchanged, by the way.

I find a place to sit, and I see Naeem walk up to me and say, "Assalamu alaikum, Aman, can you please keep this for Aamir? He said to give it to you." He says, "Wa'alaikumus salam, sure, no problem." I collect the parcel from him.

"Aman!" Ommi yells "Get some food for Naeem; he just got here," she says. "Wait here, please," I tell him. He nods and takes a seat on the table. I put a little of everything on his plate before taking it back to him.

"Thank you," he smiles and digs in. I take a seat and pull out my phone to check for any messages I might have missed this morning. "Oh my Allah, Aman, you look so beautiful. I'm sure we'll be coming back for your wedding soon, in shaa Allah," one of my distant aunties gush.

"You should allow your mother to find a groom for you," another adds. "In shaa Allah," I nod. They carry on, and I sigh, totally forgetting the fact that Naeem witnessed the whole conversation.
Before I can get up and walk away, he says, "Don't mind what these aunts say; you know how they are. And thank you for the food, by the way; it was delicious."

He walks away without giving me a chance to say anything. I sigh once more and get up to go look for Ommi. I find her seated with a few women. I can see her, but she can't see me. I overhear their conversation, and it's about me. Again.
What is it with these people being obsessed with my life?

I halt halfway there and listen to their conversation, which I know I shouldn't be doing, but I can't help it. "Well, my daughter finally agreed to me finding her a suitable match, but she has been rejecting each and every one of them," one of Ommi's friends says.

"I've been trying to convince my son to meet just one girl since he came back home, but he has refused," Naeem's mother complains. "I don't know what's wrong with the kids nowadays; they always have an opinion for every single thing," another friend says, and they all shake their heads.

I giggle and make my way over to their table. When Ommi notices me, she smiles and stands up to meet me. "Did you get him the food?" She asks, "Yes, I did; he's already done eating too," I say. "Alhamdulilah, we were just talking about you," she says, and I scream internally.

Please let her not tell me to sit with them, or it's the end for me. Ya Allah, help me. "Come sit, habibi," Naeem's mother says, gesturing to the seat beside her. I am totally done for. I take a seat and greet all of them.

"Oh my Allah, look how beautiful Aman looks now," they all gush, causing me to blush. They continue their conversation, forgetting my existence, except for the occasional "what do you think, Aman?" To which I reply, "Yes, it's fine."

The event comes to an end an hour later, and we all file into the house exhausted and sleepy. I take my bath and pray Asr' before taking a nap to ease the ache I feel in my muscles.
Today was a successful day, alhamdulilah.

Alo, Alo!
Kayf halik?
No need to ask how I'm doing, I've been well Alhamdulilah. Don't forget to vote comment and share❤️.
See you all.

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