When we fall(we know how to land)

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By: leminie

Jimin has a bad day. It gets worse.

The door clicks shut behind him. The weight of the day still creeps in through the crack, refusing to leave Jimin alone. He sighs and closes his eyes, doing his best to ignore it. There's a slight bustle in the kitchen, the sound and smells of something cooking wafting towards him. Jimin slips off his shoes and follows his nose to the source.

As he enters the kitchen, he sees Jeongguk out of his work clothes, in just a normal pair of sweats and a tee, humming and dancing, arms flinching every so often when the oil in the pan jumps onto his skin. The sight brings a small smile to Jimin's face, and he walks over to wrap his arms around Jeongguk's torso and rest his forehead against the firm muscles of Jeongguk's back.

His lover startles for a second, then takes off his headphones and turns in Jimin's hold to look at him with a wide, happy grin. "Hey darling!"

Jimin nuzzles deep into his neck. "Hi."

He makes a questioning noise. "Is something wrong? Did the interviews not go well?"

"Do they ever?" Jimin sighs again.

Jeongguk pats his hair then cups his cheeks, drawing Jimin's head back to look him in the eyes. "Wanna talk about it right now?"

He shakes his head.

"Just wanna hug?"

He nods and Jeongguk guides him back into his embrace. Jeongguk keeps one eye on him and the other on the pan, flipping his katsu every so often, wary of how crispy the pork is getting. Burning their dinner would probably make Jimin cry-and not in the good way.

"Baby, food's done," Jeongguk murmurs, turning the heat of the stove off.

Jimin reluctantly removes himself from his safe place and pads over to the breakfast table. He plops down onto the chair and runs his fingers through his already tousled hair. His eyes shut, and he shakes his head in a sorry attempt to rid himself of his foul mood.

"I tried a new recipe today," Jeongguk comments, placing two plates of katsu, drizzled with sauce, with a side of rice and cabbage on the table. "Let me know if you like it more?"

Jimin hums. "Thanks for cooking."

"Of course." Jeongguk gets up from his seat just to press a kiss to Jimin's forehead. "You know I love cooking for you, especially because I can't do it too often."

Jimin piles a bit of rice, cabbage, and meat onto his spoon, which goes right into his mouth. "Oh, this is good."

"Yeah?" Jeongguk smiles. "I improvised a little and added an extra ingredient."

"What was it?"

"Love." Jimin breathes out a small chuckle, but Jeongguk's own cheerful expression fades into a contemplative frown-Jimin usually laughs harder than that at his corny jokes. He chews on his lip for a moment before saying, "I've been doing some research."



Jimin swallows the rest of the food in his mouth and takes a sip of water. "Neighbourhoods?"

"You know, neighbourhoods with nice houses, low crime rates, and... good schools."

Jimin's face sours at the word, and it feels like a bucket of ice water was poured over his head. All the warmth he was beginning to feel again has evaporated. "Can we not talk about this right now?"

Jeongguk blinks. He thought that the topic would be a welcomed distraction. "What?"

Jimin rubs his forehead. "I don't want to talk about schools."

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