here for the taking

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By: pearlmimi
jimin wakes up one morning with a pussy instead of a dick.

"Jungkook-ah," Jimin says, something bright and teasing in his voice even if he's still blushing. "Have you ever eaten pussy before?"
Jungkook isn't sure what exactly wakes him up, but it only takes a few moments to remember where he is, and why there's a head of soft hair under his chin, a warm body in front of him.

He hums quietly, drawing the blanket around Jimin where it's slipped down his bare shoulder. They're still naked from fooling around the night before — skin sticking in some places, but also a soft cushion in others — but Jungkook isn't fully hard, and he wants to enjoy just holding Jimin like this for a few minutes. Maybe fall back asleep until they get someone knocking on the hotel room door that they have fifteen minutes to get ready.

Jungkook hugs Jimin close with an arm around his chest and noses at his hair, the perfumed scent of his expensive shampoo, the softer smell of his body wash clinging to his skin.

Ah, he probably shouldn't start thinking about how good Jimin smells... It's not exactly a secret that scent can turn Jungkook on just as easily as kissing, as Jimin deciding to sit in his lap and squirming so much Jungkook's cock starts to stiffen without his permission.

Jungkook huffs out a quiet, embarrassed laugh when he starts to get turned on anyway.

He could try to ignore it, maybe — close his eyes and hope for one or two more hours of sleep.

But he also has permission from Jimin for this. Something they discussed because of how often they fall asleep around each other, their schedules packed and irregular. Getting off was rarely something they got to drag out, because sometimes, well— dragging it out meant falling asleep halfway through. So they expanded their horizons.

(The first time Jimin woke Jungkook up with a blowjob, the pleasure was so murky-sweet, spreading slow and warm to every part of Jungkook's body, that his actual orgasm took him by surprise. If Jungkook can return the favor now, well...)

Jungkook starts to smooth his hand down Jimin's belly, saliva already pooling on his tongue at the thought of closing his fingers around Jimin's soft cock, feeling it grow before Jimin is even awake. He feels less groggy by the second, even if his body is still heavy with lingering sleep, reluctant to leave his spot spooning Jimin.

The idea of getting under the covers and taking Jimin into his mouth is still an appealing one, though.

It takes a moment of very gentle groping around for Jungkook to start frowning to himself. He slides his hand lower, past neatly trimmed hair growing in from the last time Jimin waxed, but it's just— skin. Flat?

He cups Jimin between his legs, feeling a strange kind of heat and inner wet part that doesn't seem as low as it should be, isn't tucked behind Jimin's balls, and finally Jungkook draws his hand back, humming out a confused noise.

Jimin stirs slightly, and Jungkook uses that as an opportunity to kiss the top of his bare shoulder, his soft cheek, kiss the shell of his ear. Jimin shivers and Jungkook buries his smile in Jimin's hair.

"Hyung," Jungkook whispers, voice rough. Jimin responds with a cute little groan. "Can I go down on you?"



Jimin turns his head, eyes just barely squinted open, and nods. "Be gentle..."

"Yeah," Jungkook agrees, maybe a little more excitedly than he means to. It's hot waking Jimin up like this, but it's hot when he's aware of it from the start, too — hearing all his little noises and feeling his body's slow, instinctive responses to the pleasure.

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