baby, you could take all my time

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jungkook takes care of a drunk jimin.

my baby <3




answer me

im so drunKk

im bored

do u not luv me anymore :(

fine >:(

Jungkook stirs awake, his phone continuously vibrating where it's laying next to him on the bed. He looks at the alarm clock sitting on his nightstand - 1AM. Who the fuck is texting him so late?

He opens his phone and sees the several messages from his boyfriend, shaking his head and smiling despite his annoyance at being woken up. Jimin had gone out with Hoseok and Taehyung about five hours ago, and now Jungkook guesses they are well past the point of tipsy.

Just as he's writing a response, Jimin starts typing again.

my baby <3

i see u thping!

dont ignore me :(

     i was asleep baby i didn't see your texts

my baby <3

sureeee u ddint

diminie misses you :(

come pick me up

jimin it's 1 in the morning

can't hoseok or tae bring you?

my baby <3

theyre drunk tooooo

no drinking driving. just like u said

fine i'll be there as soon as i can

send me the address baby

my baby <3


[address sent]

As tired as Jungkook is, he gets up from his comfy spot on the bed and feels around in the dark for some clothes to put on. It's not often that Jimin gets drunk and asks Jungkook to come to his rescue, so he doesn't really mind the disturbance. It makes him happy knowing that his boyfriend is having fun with his friends. He deserves it, what with his busy schedule.

Jungkook shivers when he steps outside, the cold January air not being kind to the thin sweatshirt he threw on. He hopes Jimin isn't sitting outside in the cold waiting for Jungkook, he probably doesn't have his coat with him.

He puts the address Jimin sent him into the GPS on his phone and texts his boyfriend to let him know he's on the way, to which he responds with several heart emojis and incoherent words Jungkook doesn't even want to know what they mean.

His GPS leads him to a house located not far from their apartment, loitered with drunk people holding red Solo cups. Jimin is nowhere to be seen, so Jungkook shoots him another text announcing his presence.

After a few minutes of silence from his boyfriend, Jungkook sighs and gets out of the car. God knows where his boyfriend is at right now. He's probably in the bathroom puking his guts out.

He's greeted with the smell of weed and strong perfume as soon as he steps inside the house, the warm air a relief to Jungkook after the cold temperature outside. The lights are turned off, purple LED lights brightening up the huge living room. Jungkook looks around for any sight of Jimin, Taehyung, or Hoseok, but to no luck.

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