go ahead and cry, little girl

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By: fauxmk

"I trusted you," Jimin chokes out. "I - I don't understand. I thought you weren't like everyone else."

Jungkook just smiles, and Jimin's heart breaks entirely - snaps into teeny, tiny pieces. "Cute," Jungkook says. "Now get on your knees like a good girl."
Jimin's world comes crashing down in the midst of a lazy afternoon that's spent watching cheesy tv shows at home on the weekend.

"You're not a boy, Jimin-ah."

Jimin startles. He whips his head to the side to stare at Jungkook. His heart skips a beat. He must be hearing things.

"Sorry?" He manages to force out, voice small. Jungkook-hyung wouldn't say that to him. There's no way.

"I said," Jungkook says, keeping his eyes on the screen. "You're not a boy." He takes a swig from his Pepsi after speaking, his other arm still haphazardly thrown around his shoulders.

Jimin feels his heart drop to his stomach. He feels as if he's free-falling in an empty space, mind blank of anything but fear and confusion.

"I don't understand." Jimin tries to laugh it off, growing increasingly panicked at the feeling of his hand on his shoulder, although light. "Hyung, I am a boy. You can't tell me I'm not. I really am a boy."

He glances at him momentarily, gauging his expression. Jimin tries to keep his expression carefully firm, but despite his efforts, his lower lip trembles.

The television is switched off abruptly. The Pepsi can is placed down on the coffee table, with Jungkook tossing the remote control to the side. It lands with a barely-audible thump on the leather sofa, and Jimin's eyes flit to it momentarily before settling back onto Jungkook.

His breathing shallows. His heart starts beating faster.

The look in Jungkook's eyes is dark, primal. It speaks of want , and of something twisted. It's the eyes of a predator who's found their next meal. Jimin can't make heads or tails of it.

Jimin's about to speak when Jungkook slams his lips onto his, and Jimin's heart lurches , thumping wildly in his chest as he pushes at him, yells, tries to resist, but all of a sudden, Jungkook's hands, strong and veined, are holding his fists firmly down by his sides. Panicked, he screams again, but Jungkook's mouth on his muffles the sound, and his grip on Jimin's wrists only tighten painfully.

He tilts his head, and his tongue slips into his mouth, slick with spit and making him feel sick. What the fuck is happening?

He tries to ignore the mouth on his and racks his brain for an answer. Jungkook was so supportive when he'd come out to them. All of them had been. Why the fuck was this happening now?

Tears start to well up in his eyes. He trusted him. He trusted him. He trusted him.

Jungkook pulls away when he notices he's crying, reaching out to wipe his tears, but Jimin flinches away, hiccuping out sobs. "I trusted you," Jimin chokes out. "I - I don't understand. I thought you weren't like everyone else."

Jungkook just smiles, and Jimin's heart breaks entirely - snaps into teeny, tiny pieces. "Cute," Jungkook says. "Now get on your knees like a good girl."

When Jimin remains rooted to the couch, defiant and still crying, Jungkook slaps him cleanly across the face, and when Jimin cries out, hands flying up to cup his cheek, Jungkook manhandles the smaller boy into the floor.

So now, Jimin's on his knees, and eye level with the massive tent in Jungkook's pants. His mind races. Is there any possible way he can get out of here, get away from him?

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