Its not over til its over-2

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By: lemine
Jimin can't sit still on the day Jeongguk is supposed to come back home. He wipes down every surface, vacuums, sweeps, mops, and refolds a whole section of their closet. He has a pot of soondubu going on the stove, recipe courtesy of Jeongguk's grandmother, and already has a pair of bowls he made himself waiting on the counter (they're a little uneven, but it's the thought that counts). Jeongguk had called to tell him that he landed and should be well on his way to the apartment now, and Jimin is feeling a hectic mixture of emotions.

Excited, nervous, ecstatic-and perhaps the only feeling that rivals his happiness is how horny he is because this week was tough. Jeongguk made full use of the vibrator, unsurprisingly bringing Jimin to tears every night. He's also been teasing Jimin outside of their call with raunchy texts, enough that Jimin has had to change his panties because he got so wet.

So it's not his fault. It's also not his fault that he's leaking even now, mind conjuring images and phantom sensations of Jeongguk's fingers reaching deep inside him and his cock carving a shape within Jimin's walls.

But really, all he wants is to have Jeongguk in his arms again. Jimin has been so cuddle-deprived; Taehyung's are appreciated but not the same. He misses being smothered in kisses and he misses hearing Jeongguk's heartbeat, in sync with his own.

Lost in thought, he doesn't realize that his soondubu is close to boiling over. He scrambles to turn the heat down and stir the stew, and in his franticness, doesn't hear the click of the front door opening, nor the jangling of keys and soft pad of footsteps. He sighs in relief when all the bubbles in the pot have disappeared, and turns around with the intention of checking his phone for any updates.

"Hi darling," Jeongguk smiles, white dress shirt unbuttoned and showing off his collarbones, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and hair tousled from the flight.

Jimin doesn't end up touching his phone for the rest of the night.

He gasps so hard he almost chokes then runs into his lover's open arms. Jeongguk lifts him up as their lips meet, spinning him around and laughing against his mouth. When he places him back down, his hands don't leave Jimin's waist.

"You're back," Jimin grins, cupping Jeongguk's cheeks, eyes sparkling.

"An astute observation," Jeongguk chuckles, nuzzling Jimin's nose with his own.

"I missed you so much," Jimin tilts his chin to press another kiss to Jeongguk's lips. "I'm so glad you're home."

"I missed you too, baby," Jeongguk tugs him closer, and Jimin sighs into Jeongguk's neck as Jeongguk rubs his back. They dwell in the moment for a while, content and feeling complete. Jimin thinks he could actually fall asleep from how comfortable he is, but then- "Uh, we might want to do something about that pot."

Jimin spins around, removing himself from Jeongguk's arms, and curses at the rising bubbles. "Fuck, not again." Jeongguk moves to help him, but he swats him away. "Go take a shower-I wanna cuddle while we eat but you smell like an airplane."

"Can you blame me for wanting to see my beautiful husband first?"

With the heat turned off, Jimin faces Jeongguk and crosses his arms. "Husband?"

"Um," he pauses. "Partner."

"If this is your way of proposing to me, I'm not saying yes until you do it better."

"I'll keep that in mind," Jeongguk laughs, dropping a kiss to Jimin's forehead.

He turns to leave, but Jimin grabs his arm. "Wait, this wasn't actually a proposal, right? I mean I know we've talked about how we don't really need to get married and how it doesn't really matter for our relationship but I was expecting just a little bit more if you ever did pop the question."

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