21.Our little secret

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Akayla's POV

She is more precious than jewels,and nothing you desire can compare to her.
-Proverbs 3:15

I woke up to this heart warming message from Amani that of course melted my heart. I smiled brightly as I read the message over and over thinking  about what I'll reply.

Tell di bwoy seh him cute tuh,my subconscious mind joked.

Amani's Chat

Me:Aww,thank you🤭I don't really know a bible verse to match that but you're a cutie.

Amani:😂That's okay. Thanks for the complement.


Amani:Suh wah yuh up tuh?

Me: I literally just got up.

Amani:Alrite,mi aguh mek yuh get sumn fi eat den later mi text yuh.

Me:Okay,we'll talk.
End of Chat

Did I seriously just call him a cutie?

I exited his chat and place my phone on my bed side table and headed to the bathroom. I quickly spun around and ran back to grab my phone as I remembered a bible verse to somewhat match his.

I opened his chat and quickly typed:
You are the most handsome of the sons of men; grace is poured upon your lips; therefore God has blessed you forever.
-Psalms 45:2
sent 8:35

I quickly exited his chat then entered the bathroom.

"Him lips them grace fi true,"I thought to myself and chuckled as I ran my index finger along my bottom lip as I remembered the way he-

"Wah yuh in yah a think bout?"my mom softly said from behind me causing me to jump.

"Yuh frighten mi enuh,a when yuh reach in here?"I asked facing her with my hands on my chest.

"Mi a call yuh how long and mi naa hear from yuh suh mi come up here only fi see yuh stand up a laugh tuh yuhself,"she explained.

To di way how she a seh it mek mi sound like mi mad.

"Oh,a jus sumn mi did a memba,"I said while turning around to place some toothpaste on my toothbrush.

"Oh really,I wonder what has your mind so far away that you didn't hear me calling you,"she said in a mischievous tone and I looked at her through the mirror to be met by her cheeky grin.

I chuckled and started brushing my teeth as she stood there in silence watching me with a smirk on her face and her hands crossed over her chest.

I know what she's doing and I'm not giving into it.

I ignored her eye contact as I continued brushing my teeth. While rinsing the toothpaste from my toothbrush and my mouth I could still feel her eyes piercing through the back of my head.

Ugh,how is she so good at this, I thought.

"Fine fine,"I placed my toothbrush back in its place and wiped my hands and mouth on my towel then gently grabbed her hand and pulled her to my bed.

"Yayyy,"she softly said and clapped her hands excitedly.

She's so cute.

"So,we decided to keep things a secret but since you insist then I'm just going to tell you,"I said.

"You have a son in law,"I blankly stated.

Her eyes popped open and she started shaking me excitedly, "finallyyyyy,"she said dragging the 'y'.

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