➳ Caramel Machiato

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"Hop in," I heard a voice say. I turned to the one and only Bradley in his car. He was wearing raybans on his face and his left hand was holding on the steering wheel. It was a red convertible and it actually looked pretty impressive. I eyed it for a bit before replying to him.


Why did he want me to ride his car, we barely had normal conversations with each other without having it end in an argument. If I were to ride in the car I feel like by the time the drive is done - the car would be broken in half. I would probably break it somehow out of anger.

"I want to bring you somewhere," he said. I was trying to read his emotion but I got nothing. He was absolutely pokerfaced - I didn't know if he was joking or not.

"Are you serious?"


"Sure," I answered. I decided, it couldn't be too bad going to someplace with Bradley. Maybe he was trying to be friendly for once. Plus he was team captain so I couldn't stay angry at him forever.

He looked quite taken back when I said yes, he probably thought it would take him a while to convince me. After a few seconds he nodded slowly and gestured me to go in the seat next to him.

I opened the car door and sat next to him, I turned the radio on until a good song came up. The beat vibrated the car and the music came blasting out of the speakers.

Bradley began to drive forward and fast too.

I was still curious to why he wanted to take me. What was his motives behind it? It can't be bad because he knows not to mess with me, I thought. If he tried to abandon me I would strangle him.

"So why did you want to take me to someplace?" I asked him, my arm was on the top of the door and my hair was flowing in the wind. It felt nice.

He shrugged as he made a turn to the right, "I don't know."

I lifted an eyebrow, what did he mean by I don't know?

"I just felt like I was a bit harsh on you so I decided to do something nice," he admitted. I couldn't help but feel touched when those words came out of his mouth.

Bradleys personality was odd, it was as if he purposely wanted to annoy me. Though I knew that he had his sweet moments like when he brought me the chicken noodle soup when I was sick or right now.

Maybe I judged him too quickly.

"Thanks," I replied honestly. "I guess I'm sorry to for being a bitch sometimes."

He chuckled, "you still are." But he said it in a teasing tone so I knew he was kidding.

But I wondered, what made Bradley change his mind. I mean there must've been an event that had made him want to become nicer to me.

Finally we reached the "downtown" part of the city. Filled with shops and restaurants. There were many people walking on the streets, of all ages too. By the way some teenagers dressed, I could tell some were from the public high school in the same area.

Finally Bradley parked the car on the side of the road. Once the engine was completely turned off, I undid my seatbelt and walked out of the car. I flipped my hair as I stood in the sidewalk. The other teenagers eyed me with curiosity.

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