➳ Meeting the guys

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I walked down the halls, finally the day is over. I graciously walked towards my locker and began putting my unwanted textbooks inside.

"Bella!" I heard a voice yell my name. I turned around to see Valentino walking towards me. Beside of him was a blonde haired boy; who casually seemed to walk towards me too.

The people around us seemed to whisper.

"Did her and Valentino already have sex? Damn, he's so fast."

"Why does he get all the girls?"

I scoffed, he certainly had a reputation as a player.

He came over and engulfed me in a huge hug; which also didn't help with the newly spreading rumors. Though the rumors didn't really affect me; I was used to them.

Besides, I've had worse spread about me.

He began to introduce the boy beside of him, "this is Jasper Cohen. One of my best friends other than Bradley." I raised my eyebrow, he was best friends with Bradley.

I looked over at Jasper and smiled, he seemed like a total heartthrob. A prince charming almost, kind of like Jake.

Except Jake was a devil under all that.

"Nice to meet you," I told him.

"Nice to meet you too, I was wanting to talk to you sometime during the day. You seem like a cool person," he said. I was surprised that he wasn't intimidated by me, which made me like him.

Usually a lot of people were intimidated by my looks, apparently I gave off a bitchy vibe.

While I was talking to Jasper, Valentino checked me out. He didn't even tried to hide it.

Jasper seemed to notice it too because he began to laugh. "Oh god Val, stop being such a pig." Valentino looked over at the both of us with a sheepish smile. He shrugged and pretended that he didn't hear.

Boys, I thought. I examined Jasper, he also seemed like a guy I could be friends with. Plus it didn't seem like he was attracted to me. Jasper's eyes began to follow a girl who walked down the hall. Then it hit me, he really likes someone else. I wonder who the lucky girl was.

But I wasn't going to ask now since it wasn't the right moment.

"So do you guys know where the soccer coaches office is?" I asked, Jasper scratched the back of his head.

"It's in the boys change rooms, why?" Jasper answered.

I began to answer him, "Because I-"

However I was interrupted by Valentino, "She wants to join the boys soccer team," he said proudly. "She's really good too."

I was touched that he complimented me on his own will however I really hated being interrupted.

"Valentino, I'm really glad for the compliment but..." I glared at him, "I really hate it when people interrupt me. Don't let it happen again." Valentino looked at me in surprise and laughed.

"I love feisty girls," he commented. I sighed, I really meant it when I said that. But I could tell that he got my memo; after all I was pretty intimidating.

Jasper also laughed, "Bella you're great. I feel like you'd be a great addition." But then he began to think, "I don't think Bradley would like it though."

I snorted in response, I didn't give a shit about how Bradley felt. He was irrelevant to my life.

"I don't care about Bradley he's a sexist asshole anyways," I said honestly. Valentino and Jasper both gave me high-fives while laughing. Both agreed with my comment.

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I walked towards the boys change room and without pausing I walked in. I really didn't care if there were half naked boys in their anyways.

The minute I stepped food inside however I regretted it. The minute all the boys saw me they all ran to cover themselves.

One guy began yelling, "shit there's a girl in the change room!" I rolled my eyes, it wasn't my first time seeing one naked anyways.

Besides let's face it; Jake had better bodies than all of them.

Due to the chaos in the change room, I didn't know where the coaches room was. I wanted to ask one of the guys but they all seemed to avoid me.

"Bella?" I turned to my left to see Valentino there, I waved at him. He rolled his eyes and walked closer to me. He really has a good body, I thought.

He laughed, "like what you see?"

"Yeah," I shrugged nonchalantly making him chuckle. I didn't feel embarrassed about it because thinking he was hot didn't mean I liked him or anything. I wasn't one of those shallow girls; I actually looked for personality. However Jake was a completely different story, I didn't know he was an asshole to begin with.

"Do you know where the coaches office is?" I asked him, he pointed down the hall and then pointed it right. I thanked him and began walking to the coaches office.

Then he grabbed my wrist, "what is it?" I asked as I turned around facing him yet again. He looked over my face and smiled.


I ignored his words and walked away from him. I didn't really know how to respond to his statement. I mean, who grabs you and says 'nothing'?

I sighed in frustration and finally reached the coaches office.

I wished myself good luck and swung the door open.

Let's hope this goes well, I thought and anticipated the moment that would change my life.

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