➳ Feelings, kidnappers, and white teeth.

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My eyes were closed. I expected myself to be cold but surprisingly I was pretty warm. Not only that but I was on a really comfortable surface.

Maybe I should go back to sleep...

I was pretty calm until I realized, I was kidnapped. I mean, what if I get raped, or what if I get tortured, or what if I get sold as a prostitute?

I think I watch too many movies.

I was kidnapped and right before the stupid game. I mean it was Fernando that did this, it was probably his motive to make us lose and not get into semi-finals.

He was going to ruin everything I planned, winning the soccer tournament, getting revenge, everything.

He's a psychopath. I opened my eyes slowly and painfully and found myself in a room.It was a nice and plain room. White bed, beige walls, a door to the washroom, and a small brown table in the corner. Suddenly I checked my pockets for my phone, it was gone.

Fucking bastards took away my baby.

I started walking towards the door and moved the handle, it didn't budge.

Of course its locked, I sighed. Then I heard voices on the other side of the door.

"Yo Dude I think she's awake." a deep voice said and I heard multiple footsteps coming towards the door.

Don't come here, don't come here...

The door opened and whoever it was I punched him in the face.

"fuck!" the guy held his face and stepped back a bit, stumbling. My hand fucking hurt, i mean it was better than being the one punched in the face but still my hand stung. The other guys behind him were surprised and froze. Then they pushed him away and ran towards me through the door.

"Nice punch you got there." one of the guys said, in a rude, murderistic tone.

"asshole," I replied and jumped on the bed.

Of course my whole ninja thing didn't really last long. Finally one of the more muscular guys got a hold of me.

"Let go!" I squirmed, but I knew I lost. This guy was too strong, he was probably on steroids. Finally out of a group of guys Fernando and this other boy stepped up.

Fernando looked as though he's won a lottery, his white teeth glistened. The other guy had a pokerface. He was muscular, but had a body build more like a wrestler than a soccer player.

"Hello Salvatore." He smiled showing his perfect white teeth.

"Be-lla. My name is Bella." I retorted and waited for him to get mad. Instead he laughed which caught me by surprise. Then he stepped forward too much for my liking.

"You're very pretty, when you don't open that foul mouth of yours." He whispered in my ear. His breath was warm and it went against my skin. I need to take a shower after this fiasco because ewww.

"Can't say the same for you, I mean you look ugly both ways." I snapped, instead of being pissed he just smiled.

Oh lord, i'll be here for a while.

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I was reflecting on life.

Like for example, I was thinking of my fucked up stupid past.

"Bella!" Someone yelled from behind me. I was spun around and someone's hands were at my hips. It was my boyfriend Jake. He gave me a quick peck on my lips, and my stomach was filled with butterflies. I giggled and straightened my vintage Chanel dress. He was absolutely adorable.

"Well that was an amazing way to start the morning." His arm went around my shoulders and we walked around the curb and towards my friends. Along the way I saw Heather, we were in the same enriched math class. I waved at her and she waved back with a tight smile. I skipped towards my friends as Jake trailed behind me, his hands in his pockets.

"Hey girls!" I greeted as they each gave me a hug. There was five of us, all blondes and all rich. Jake roughly shook hands with the other guys who were on the soccer team with him, doing some weird man-hug thing.

"So what's up?" I asked, they all looked at each other. To my right, Tiffany had a hint of mischief in her blue eyes.

"Nothing." She said with her smile. The other girls all nodded and they all looked at each other once again.

I could've sworn something was wrong with them.

And after that day at school she tried to commit suicide.

What I don't get is how I didn't see it, the devious look in their eyes, the inappropriate smirk on my boyfriend's face. The silent tears of Heather as she went up to the terrace and the cruel impending smack of her and concrete.

I only saw the red of blood before someone who, thankfully, had the presence of mind, dialed 911.

I began to tear up thinking about Heather.

I should definately visit her at the hospital, but I didn't have the guts to. I mean I was the reason she was there in the first place.

She tried to commit suicide because of me.

Damn, I reflected on life too much.

"Woah man is she okay. Are you on you period or something," One of the guys asked me, I shook my head. My hands were still over my eyes, I was trying not to cry. I was stronger than this.

I am such a bad person.

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