➳ The black out

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I couldn't believe it and I couldn't bring myself to believe it.

How in the world would the person who told Tiffany about me be Danny.

I wanted to pull out my hair and scream, every fucking time I try to trust people I always get betrayed.

Every. Fucking. Time.

It's okay Bella, don't let this get to you. I mean I have Valentino and Jasper right? Plus Bradley seemed to be caring about me more.

Yeah who the fuck need's Danny, I have others. The past me would've been secluded and rude like before but I decided that I didn't want Danny to rain on my parade. I don't need him to ruin my happiness.

But I wondered, how the hell does he know Tiffany.

I felt like a odd version of Nancy Drew.

But then I realized that that Danny might be talking to another Tiffany. Maybe I was being too paranoid.

Danny wouldn't do that, I thought. He was such a cutie, he just couldn't. Besides someone else might be working for Tiffany but who?

Suddenly, I heard knocking on the door, not wanted people to think that I was sad again I answered.

"Come in!" In came Jasper, he brushed his blonde hair away from his face. He closed the door behind him and then walked towards my bed and sat beside of me.

"Hey Bells," he greeted ethusiastically.

"Yo Jasper," I said back in a cheerfull manner.

"So what's cooking good looking?" He joked, making me push him off of the bed. He groaned in pain and over dramatically rolled around the floor.

He was such a child. One of the reason's I liked Jasper was because he didn't act like anything happened. He didn't treat me with pity like the other people at school instead he treated me the same, like Bella.

"Nothing and how are you?" I asked him as he stood up and sat beside of me again.

"Nothing really, lifes boring," he answered.

"How's the girl you like?" I asked him playfully. He began to blush which was so fucking cute.

"She's uhm good," he replied shyly.

My curiousity got the best of me, "Who is she." He looked at me surprised, then with a sigh he answered me.

"It's Britney."

Wait a minute, I know a britney. Then I remembered it was one of the bitches that blocked the hallway and spoke to me.

"That Britney?!" I was so surprised, he liked that evil bitch?

He nodded and he wasn't surprised by my confusion, "yup."

"But why? Not to be rude or anything," I asked.

He scratched his back, "Well she put's on this i'm-so-cool facade. Kind of like you actually, but in real life she's so sweet. I talk to her all the time outside of school and i've known her for my whole life. Me and her tell eachother everything, believe it or not. I know her like the back of my hand."

I nodded and I didn't judge him, maybe Britney is a nice person.

"I'll try to talk to her and stuff," I told him.

He nodded, "Thanks."

"Another topic, how's the boy team we're competing against today?" I asked him, Jasper snorted.

"They suck, no ones bothered to practise for the game." I looked at him with surprise, they couldn't be that bad.

As if he read my mind Jasper spoke, "Yeah they are that bad."

Well I guess I don't need to practise then.

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It was almost time for the game against that loser team. I felt kind of bad for them considering that they sucked so much. Maybe after the game I could teach them some soccer. I chuckled at that thought.

I was at a retro cafe near the school all by myself. I'm such a loner, everyone else had plans before the game. Also nobody bothered to practice because the team sucked too much for anyone to care.

Jasper went to meet his family, Bradley was somewhere, and Valentino was at the beach with some girls. I didn't want to talk to Danny and Zane was doing homework.

The scent of french vanilla filled my nose and I smiled happily. At least I have my caffeine to keep me company.

I looked at my phone and put on netflix.

I decided to watch a randomly picked movie and after a while I realized that I should probably go to the field early so Coach doesn't yell at me.

I stood up and hurried out. I should practice a bit too, I thought. I mean, if I score a lot then my average goes up. I might be considered the best player on the team.

After I exited the shop, I started walking back to school. For some reason though, it felt as if I was being followed. I turned around but nobody was there. I shrugged it off, but it kept coming back. I really shouldn't have watched Criminal Minds this week. I think I'm going paranoid.

It was bright and sunny right now. If I were to get kidnapped it would be at night.

Then suddenly it happened. Someone grabbed my arm. I tried to scream but a cloth covered my mouth and then I started to black out.

Before I fainted I could see Ryan Fernando's blurred face, smiling.

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