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Pie's POV

"Pie? Is that you?" Mom called out as soon as I stepped inside the house.

"Yes, Mom. How was your day? I bet you were so tired." She was in the kitchen preparing for our dinner. By the tone of her voice, I'm pretty sure she's worn out.

"It's been a long day, honey." She heaved a heavy sigh. "Have you had your dinner already?"

Mom had a lot of things in mind these past few days and I don't think I can bear adding more to it. I'm afraid that I came to ask permission at an inopportune time.

"Uhm, no I haven't eaten anything yet, Mom. I..I'm gonna help you prepare our dinner." My voice went low, unable to hide my nervousness as I started to fidget with my fingers.

There was a long silence engulfing us when Mom suddenly walked towards me and placed a glass of warm milk in front of me. "Is everything alright? What's bothering you, honey?" She knew me too well. Ever since I was young, this is what I need to help me calm my nerves. "Pie? Come on honey, talk to me. I will listen."

I let out a deep breath and turned to look at Mom, "M--My friends have invited me to go on a vacation this summer."

"Ohh... What are you guys planning to do? Will you go to one of your friend's house?" Mom was looking at me, waiting for the details.

It's now or never. I have to try to make this work.

"We'll go camping Mom for four days." The moment I blurted out our plan, Mom stopped what she was doing as if she was trying to process my words in her head. At this point, I don't know what she's thinking but one thing is for sure, the news definitely fazed her.

I was getting myself ready for a lengthy conversation with my mom when Fern sat beside her and gently spoke, "Auntie, I know I'm not in the position to say this but I'm hoping that you could let Pie join us. I truly understand where you're coming from and I know you just want to protect Pie. But I also care about her and I want her to see and enjoy what this world could offer; things that we weren't able to experience as children. I promise Auntie that I won't let her get out of my sight and I'll make her call you every now and then to assure you that everything's fine."

Mom sighed heavily and turned to look at me, "You'll do that?"

I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head, "I will Mom, if that's the only way to put your mind at ease."

"Just so you know I'm still against this, but I have to agree with Fern that you both deserve to enjoy your lives while you're still young. Promise me girls that if things go wrong, you won't hesitate to go back home. Fern, please take care of Pie for me."

Fern softly nodded, "You have my word, Auntie."

"Now go eat your dinner and pack your belongings before I change my mind."

"Thanks Mom, I love you!" I swiftly kissed my mom's cheek and dragged my cousin to sit beside me for dinner. I'm just so happy that things went smoothly; I can't wait to tell Kim the good news.


The next day...

Kim: Morning babe! I won't be able to pick you up today because Uncle wants me to go with him to run some errands. Anyway, as soon as I get there, you can't get rid of me anymore.

Kim: Oh and by the way, I told Mario to pick you up since he's coming for Fern. I love you and I'm gonna miss you, babe.

Pie: It's alright, Kim. You take care and behave, okay? See you later, my prince. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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