Senior Night

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"I'm pretty sure you'd be the most handsome among the rest." Kim's mom said while fixing her eldest's collar and suit. Kim chose to wear an unbuttoned black suit for the event, exposing her red-printed black sweater with a white collar underneath. This top has been paired with a black slim trousers and a black glittery "Lou Spike Flat" sneaker.

"Of course, he definitely inherited those good looks from me." Edward butted in, walking closer behind his wife and handed a small black box to Kim. "Wear it. I almost forgot to give that to you."

Kim took the box from her dad appreciatively and carefully opened it. She then found an elegant oyster steel and white gold Rolex Date Just 36 which probably costs almost 256k Thai Baht. "Wow, this is so expensive Dad. This is too much."

"No, anything I provide for my children is priceless." Kim's dad explicates, wearing the expensive watch to Kim himself and hugged her. Not wanting any emotions filled the air, Kim tapped her dad's back and smilingly uttered, "I love you, Dad and Mom."

"Sir Kim, your car is ready." Gerard, Edward's butler said. "I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow." Kim bids good bye to her parents and picks up the bouquet of flowers resting perfectly on the table.


When Kim's car parked on Ruechanok's driveway, she immediately got noticed by Tavee's mother whom she rarely sees for the latter is always busy handling their family's other business. Kim pleasantly greets the woman in front of her as soon as she climbed out of the car holding her gift to her date. "Hi aunt, it's so nice to see you again"

"Are you really, Kimhan? Edward Suppanad's eldest?" Kim nodded charmingly, earning a flattering remark from the old woman.

"Ohh! How come you get to be more and more handsome every time I see you? Mrs. Ruechanok uttered while cupping Kim's face. The two didn't notice Tavee coming until the latter clings onto Kim's arms and whispers, "You always have your best way to attract me, huh?"

This sent shivers onto Kim's spine but still, the latter was able to remain her composure. "And you're strikingly beautiful not to notice, Tavs. This is for you, by the way."

"Thanks Kimmy." Tavee was touched by Kim's gesture; kissing her in the cheek as a sign of gratitude. "Come on, Steph has been calling me non-stop. She says almost all of the attendees are there already at the venue."

"You two look so good together." Both Mr. and Mrs. Ruechanok chimed in chirpily, expressing their admiration. "Take care you two, and enjoy the night!"


At Jane's place...

"How's my outfit, Pie?" Jane queried, showing off her elegant dress.

"You look gorgeous, as always." Pie enthused.

"Nah! Once you put your dress on, you'd definitely slay our asses off."

After applying some glittering eye shadows and black eyeliner to Pie, the make-up artist finished it off with a crimson red lipstick. "Finally, I'm done with your make-up madam."

Glancing a few seconds to the smaller girl, Jane seems so satisfied with how Pie's beauty really came out even more. "Come on Pie; make your admirers drool over you tonight!" Jane cheered on, wanting to see Pie in full fashion.

Pie stepped outside the room wearing a simple short red strapless dress that was partnered with black high heel pumps. It took few seconds for Jane to notice the elegance behind her back since she's busy putting the final touches on her face. But when it finally occurs to her the moment she saw the smaller girl's reflection on the mirror she's holding, she can't help but gasp at her undeniable beauty. "What the----are you even real?"

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