Looks Familiar

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Pie's POV*

While we're on our way to the mall, Pei got a call from Fern saying that she wanted to talk to me about something important. She got to me through him because she knows I don't have a phone since I only spend my money on necessary things. Besides, I always give most of my salary to my mom to at least contribute on other expenses in Aunt In's house. The rest will be my allowance only in school including food, transportation and projects if we have.

F: Hello Pie? Mom called to tell me that your mom has a high fever and she fainted while washing the dishes earlier.

P: What? Oh my God, I'm coming home now Fern.

F: No Pie. She's fine now. Luckily, her fever went down after she had her rest. But Mom asked if maybe you can buy her soup before going home.

P: Tell her I will. Thanks Fern and to Aunt In as well. Is there anything else she needs?

F: Uhm, that's all I think. I already bought her medicines and a new blanket. I'm on my way now there, it's just... the traffic here sucks.

P: I promise to pay you back next week, Fern. I'm sorry it caused you too much trouble."

F: Can you please stop that? You know I'll never ask for anything in return most especially from you. Your mom is my aunt and I do love her as much as you do. No worries Pie, I got your back.

P: I don't know what to say, thank you so much...

F: No problem. See you later!

"What happened, Pie?"

"Mom is sick. I'm so worried Pei. I don't want something bad happen to her, she's all I have." It hurts me to think that the last time she got sick, it was so bad. The doctor even said that if her cough and fever don't go away after a week, it might have been a pneumonia but fortunately, it's been prevented.

"Don't say that. You have us, princess. You're mom is a strong woman, she just needed to take a break." Pei comforted me, nudging my arm gently assuring that everything's gonna be alright.

"I guess, you're right." I let out a content sigh, agreeing with him.

Kim's POV*

"Seriously, Zee? You didn't even bother to text me where I could find the girls in this damn mall?" Kim irritatingly checked her phone once more before stepping out of the car seeing that none of her friends were able to answer her calls.


Battling out where to go first inside the mall, I felt like my feet found its way towards this newly-opened café. Since I hadn't eaten anything at all, I think a cup of coffee is a perfect way to start the day. The place wasn't so spacious but the ambiance and the sense of warmth its environment is bringing to the customers is just so relaxing. Well, that's what I've heard from few friends of mine and I can't wait to taste it; my favorite cappuccino.

As I walked through the door of my destination, I was welcomed by a warm blanket of air smelling strongly of coffee, chocolates and cakes. Roaming around the place, I felt like I've stepped into the lair of a country home with a bit of an art museum. There are various vintage pictures placed around the wall, allowing the customers to admire the photography techniques and reminiscing their past. I took a moment to admire everything around me - the whirring of the coffee grinder, sloshing coffee brewing in a pot and the hiss of a steamer warming the milk which creates a perfect symphony of sounds and adds to the feeling of serenity of the shop.

When it's already my cue on the line, I heard someone shouted, "This is not my order! I ordered a hot mocha, not an espresso!!"

The staff stood frozen, a mild shock was apparent on her face because her cheeks were burning up. She looked down, unable to stand the embarrassment she's getting from the infuriated old man. "I'm really sorry sir, it's just I wasn't feeling well."

"I don't care how you feel." he grumbled, ignoring the girl's sentiment. "Where's the manager, here? I wan----------" I interjected, out of nowhere. "No need Mr. That will be my order anyway. Miss, I'll get it. Here's the payment and you can keep the change." Slowly raising her head up, the girl met my eyes for a few seconds as if asking for a confirmation if I'm sure in what I'm doing.

I nodded, smiling softly before getting the coffee and turning to leave. "Oh wait!" she called me and murmured shyly, "T...Thank you so much, sir."

I can't believe with what I did. Even before, I never agreed to switch my favorite coffee flavor with anyone, most especially now that I'm deeply craving for it. I'm supposed to be pissed, right? But why do I feel happy and contented with what I chose to have even if this is not what I really wanted? Why do I have this urge to protect her from anything that might hurt her? I don't even know her enough to sympathize with her. This is so weird! She looks cute tho but she's not my type. Aargh!! Good thing that Jane called me.

K: Hello Jane?

J: Kim, where are you?

K: I'm here at BC Café (Black Canyon), I don't know where to find you.

J: Sorry, our signal at the cinema was so weak. We're just buying snacks here in another floor so I was able to call. We'll meet you there!

K: Alright. Bye!

I need to get her out of my mind but a part of me wants to see her again. She reminds me of someone I used to know; my princess.

Pie's POV

"What's your order, sir?"

"I want a cup of hot mocha." Hurriedly, I snatched a cup on a small cabinet to fill in the ordered flavor, not realizing that I didn't get the payment yet. "Hey miss, what about my payment?"

"Uhh, yeah I'm sorry.." Confused by my own actions, I had scratched the back of my head and headed back to the cashier. I can't seem to find my focus. We have a lack of employees today and I was asked to fill in on the other duties left. All I really wanted now is to get back home. I needed to check on mom but in this tiny dribble of time, I have to wait much longer. "Your name, sir?"

"Alex" he quickly stated.

Minutes later...

"A cup of espresso for Alex" my co-staff announced as I'm now ready to take the next order when all of a sudden, "This is not my order! I ordered a hot mocha, not an espresso!!"

"I'm really sorry sir, I wasn't feeling well." I blurted out, hoping to ease the tension between us but it just fueled his anger more. "I don't care how you feel. Where's the manager, here? I wan----------" I actually didn't expect someone to save me from this humiliation. We have chosen to accept this kind of job and part of it, is to just absorb any complaints from our customers whether it's below the belt or not.

Before I could say anything, someone barged in to defend me. "No need to be rude, Mr. That will be my order anyway. Miss, I'll get it. Here's the payment and you can keep the change." I glanced up to see my savior at the moment but I was stunned by his v..very good looking appearance. Yeah, I'm stuttering and you can't blame me, I have never seen someone as handsome and charming as this one in front of me. He's slim, muscular, with an almost perfectly symmetrical face. His hair covered his neck a bit and has bangs that almost concealed his dark eyes.

"Oh wait! T...Thank you so much, sir." He managed to curve a soft smile at me which I gladly returned back. I can see the genuineness in his eyes but it seemed so lost and lonely. I wish I could see him again even though I felt like I've known him for so long.

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