Women In Need

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Kim kept on turning and tossing around her bed for several minutes now after she turned off her alarm clock. As the sun light continues to tickle her skin, she can't help but to pull out her covers and groans in frustration for not being able to sleep a little bit more. She thought that if she can't carry on her deep slumber, might as well get down and have some breakfast.

She sat up straight on the bed, yawning repeatedly and rubs her eyes gently. "It's already 9am but why do I feel like I just got to start sleeping?" Kim muttered; unaware that she's grinning from ear to ear by just thinking her chance to start a beautiful relationship with Pie.

Pie is my girlfriend now and for once, I entertained the idea of falling in love again because of this woman.

I didn't even think in my wildest dreams that the girl would like me, let alone fall for me.

She's Pie, for God's sake, the girl who's very conservative, fragile and career-oriented.

I guess that's how love really works. It has its own magic to turn things around unexpectedly.

Picking up her phone in the nightstand, Kim composed a short message to Pie before scrolling down her contacts when she instantly recalled that she does not have Pie's number at all.

"Oh shoot! Who would forget to get her girlfriend's number?" Kim whimpered when realization hits her like a ton of brick. Damn, she can't even text her girlfriend first thing in the morning.

"Well, I'll better get ready so I can still pick her up." Tossing her phone onto her bed, Kim hurriedly hopped up off her bed and rummaged through her closet to prepare the clothes she's going to wear. But before she can pick out, her phone buzzes signaling a message has been received.

Lazily, she opened the message and found that it was from Zee.

Zee: Hey dude, get your ass here in UNI so we can talk about our vacation plans. J

"Geez! These guys can't stay at their homes for a day."

Kim typed a reply to Zee and pressed sent button.

Kim: I can't, I have plans with Pie today. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Zee: Pie? As in your Pie? Wait, did I miss something, here? I thought you guys weren't in speaking terms.

Kim decided not to respond because she knows that she'll have to explain everything to her friends later on. At the party, both of them have agreed not to tell to their friends yet about their relationship and make the most out of the night instead for themselves alone.

"Now, I should pick something that would impress Pie more." Kim settled on her white fit button-down striped collar shirt that she bought a year ago. In her usual fashion, she'll just go for a polo or tee shirt instead but today is different for she really wants to be more presentable in front of her girlfriend.

Kim smiled at this thought and spoke to herself in front of the mirror, "This is not so you, Kimhan. How did you become so whipped?"

"Kimhan! Are you already up? Come down here!" A voice hollered from downstairs.

"Coming Mom!" Kim shouted back.


"I thought you don't work on weekends?" Fern curiously asked when Pie got out of the bathroom wearing her uniform in the café she's working at.

"Well, one of my co-workers had asked me to take over her shift for at least half a day. I guess, she has an important stuff to do this morning." Pie responded, drying out her hair with a towel.

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