Her Decision

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Yam's POV*

Visiting New York was definitely one of my biggest dreams when I was younger. I never thought I'd be able to experience watching the snow drifting down slowly from the sky as the children outside stomped their boots on the snow and tugged their parents excitedly to join them catching the snowflakes into their mittens. Unknowingly, a small chortle escaped from my lips at the endearing sight in front of me until a swift breeze emanating from the small window opening brought my thoughts into a halt. The cold was truly unbearable at this time of the year that even the thickest clothing and blanket you put over one another will never be enough.

Shivering incessantly, I found myself outstretching my hands over the fireplace and basking in the warmth of the cozy living room of the hotel we've checked in. For someone who's not used to the climate, you'd certainly feel your body tremble, your face numb, your hands flinch and a quiver of chills sent down to your spine. Few minutes passed when the cold had extremely taken over again, I was forced to breathe into my own hands and hugged my knees tightly only to crave for someone's presence and embrace.


I'm now in front of Uncle Rob's rest house where Kim is currently residing since she left the mansion. This is my last resort as she didn't try to pick up every call I'm giving few hours ago. Getting rid of any shred of doubt in my veins, I gently knocked on the door to start settling the mistaken incident.

"Yam?" the old man acknowledged me after opening the door, rubbing his puffy red eyes which indicate that he dozed off already when I came. What are you doing here? I thought you're going out with Kim?" he looked over to me with confusion.

Inhaling sharply, I admitted to him honestly."Uh...m, we have a sort of....mis..understanding on something Uncle so I need to talk to her before everything is completely messed up."

I raised my eyes to look at Uncle Rob, desperate to give me the answer I needed. "But she's not here."

"Oh!" I swallowed the lump in my throat before thinking other ways to find Kim. "Maybe, Zee knows where she is, I'll go ahead Uncle."

As I was about to storm out of the house, I felt a tap in my shoulder and Uncle Rob suddenly spoke, "Wait Yam. You know at times Kim wants to go somewhere quiet and peaceful when she needs space to figure things out, right? This might help you, I guess. If you found her, let me know, will you? I'm worried of that kid."

"I will. Thank you so much!" I told the old man compassionately with a sad smile on my lips.

Without wasting much time, I immediately grabbed a taxi to bring me into the riverside. That was the first thing that came to my mind when I remembered Kim mentioning it to me the day she had an argument with her dad. The entire ride had been quiet which made me grow nervous thinking how the conversation with Kim will turn out.

Once I handed over the payment to the driver, my eyes probed around the area until I caught the familiar figure tossing small pebbles in indefinite directions. Just as she turned around, she stood there frozen as our eyes met each other before she began walking away towards her car, certain to ignore my presence. My mind went blank to think at the moment so I quickly rushed on her side to grab her wrist and stop her from leaving.

"K..Kim, please?"

"What do you want from me? I saw everything I need to see. Isn't that enough?" she said without looking at me, trying her best to hide her anger.

"I know I hurt you but you have to believe me that I didn't do it intentionally." I began; clarifying what she had witnessed earlier was a big mistake.

Dealing with people's resentment is a kind of situation I never wanted to be in. If only the ground could move and swallow me up at this point, I'd gladly wish for it to happen. "You fucking kissed him in front of me! Your manager, Yam! The person who's always been on your side most of the time much more than I get to have you for myself. You know what made it worse huh? It's the fact that you know how he feels about you and yet, you still let him do that to you." she shouted at me, turning her body to completely face me.

"But I never told you, how-------"she cuts me off when I was about to ask how apparent Jon is when it comes to his feelings for me.

"I'm not stupid not to notice how he stares at you every time I pay you a visit at work and how he looks uncomfortable seeing me holding your hand or kissing your cheek."

"I didn't care about him. I never cared. He forced me to kiss him and I d--don't know what has gotten into him to do that. He's only a brother to me and he will remain to be. Never in a million years had I thought of cheating on you because I love you that much." I confessed with so much sincerity. Standing there speechless, her eyes were communicating to mine as if telling me to continue my explanation. "Before you came, we got into fight because he wanted me to break up with you as you're not good enough for me. He even said that my image will be ruined if the public would know your current lifestyle."

"Woah! He's so pathetic. Who is he to decide for you?"

"He's still my manager. He might go too far from his role in my career but he's always after what's best for me."

"But that doesn't give him the right to invade your private life or to choose whoever you must love!" she objected quickly.

"And you should know that I declined his suggestion to split up with you." Attempting to appease her, I made her known my refusal to my manager's plan but it seems that the next words didn't come right for her. "But I can't sacrifice my career for our relationship."

"What do you mean?" Kim's features scrunched up, like she repulsed of such idea.

"I..I'm....leaving tomorrow, Kim. I decided to take the flight in New York to continue what I dreamt of for my career. I'm sorry." I trailed off, with a low voice, scared enough to look at her reaction. There's no way I could be out here without letting her know my plans, I thought to myself.

"You're not serious, are you? Babe, we can still work this out. I can forget everything that happened. Just stay, please?" she begged, turning her face from exasperation into a serious one.

"You know I can't let this opportunity pass and besides, it will only take me 2 years there."

"Then I'll go with you in New York."

"No, Kim. You're life is in here. Your family, friends, education: indeed a great future. I won't take that away from you."

"Great! You already made up your mind. Looks like you don't need me anymore. I just hope that you'd be happy with your choice. "Kim said, a huge disappointment was evident on her face like knowing that there was nothing she could do to change things.

"Goodbye, Yam." she took a step back from me as I was internally restraining myself from following her to prevent us from further hurting each other.


Yam stands dumbfounded until she hears Kim speeding away on her car leaving her alone. "I need you Kim, I need you to wait for me." she whispers while tears slowly slid her cheeks.

Meanwhile, on the other hotel room.....

"I'll do everything for you to love me, Yam." He mumbled under his breath, burning his lungs out through excessive drinking to drain his mind from the excruciating fact that the girl she loves already belongs to someone else.

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