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"So I'm not sure what I didn't cover the last time on the tour. I'd be happy to answer any questions you still have about the property."

"Business talk at dinner?"

"What's wrong we've done it before."

He gives me a warm smile "not tonight." His words bring a hint of red to my cheeks and I look down to hide my smile "but I thought you weren't happy with how the tour ended. I did wrapped things up suddenly."

"I won't hold it against you, you came here to have dinner with me, after all."

"Of course. So tell me Taehyung, is this common practice for you? Do you invite every women you know out to dinner?"

"You want me to tell you how special you are."

I take a sip of my wine while looking into his eyes "I'd just like to know where I stand with you."

He try's to hide his amused smile "why does it matter?"

"Come on, I'm sure you're aware of what you're doing." I roll my eyes at him

"Tell me."

"You like to be an enigma but if that wasn't hard enough to be around......you're smart, funny, successful." My voice get a little quieter "and a hint of handsomeness."

"Seems like my plan is working."

"What plan?"

"To get your pretty self around my finger."

Standing still I reply his words in my head, speechless. So he speaks up again "or did I give that away too soon?" The air around us seems to get hot, the chemistry between us and I'm suddenly tempted to get my hands on him.

I shiver as his thumb moves over my skin "don't get it wrong. I might had sum with girls but you're something different."

How is that possible, is he lying to me or?? "Really? How?"

"You know.....I've never been with a real estate agent before."

"Oh and that's so different?" I thought he would say something else or something a bit nicer? What has me being a real estate agent to do with us?

"It is when I have to be formal around you and your boss. I'd almost want to see his reaction when he finds out."

"What?! You're not going to tell him, are you?"

"Chill" he laughs at my worries face "I want to keep you all to myself for now Aaliyah." I look at him, trying to read his expression when I notice a woman walking by, staring at him.

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