Pranks a lot

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Rudy and Snap walk up to the Palace of Pranks.
Rudy said "Well, Snap, here it is, the Palace of Pranks, the greatest novelty shop in town. All the greatest pranksters shop here. This is where I got my gag..." the scene shows a close up of the can of peanut butter. "Peanut butter can."
Snap cheered "Oh, boy, peanut butter. Gimmie!"

Snap tries to open the can.
Rudy warned "Snap, wait, it's a booby trap, remember?"

Snap said "Nice try, Rudy, but it's not gonna work this time. I'm gonna have some of your delicious Peanut butter!" He opens the can and purple tubes pop out of the can "Where's the peanut butter?"
Rudy laughed "That gets funnier every time you say it, Snap. Come on, let's go inside." Rudy walks off screen.
Snap was starting to cry "Peanut butter?"

Rudy enters the Palace of Pranks and smells the air.
"Ah!" Snap enters the scene "Nothing compares to the smell of cheap plastic novelty items." an aisle is shown "Pranks, gags, and gross-out toys as far as the eye can see!" Rudy walks down an aisle "Isn't it everything I said it would be, Snap?"
Snap was in another aisle "Hey, Peanut Butter!" Purple tubes appear popping above the aisle that Snap is in "Oh, darn it, not again!"

The scene only shows Rudy in his aisle. Rudy laughs. An old man named Jerry enters the scene.

Jerry said "Good to see you, Rudy. How's my number one customer doing?"

Rudy said "Great, Jerry. This is my friend Snap. He wants to become a prankster, too."
Jerry walks up to Snap "Well, pleasure to meet you, Snap." Jerry shakes Snap's hand, but Frank has a joy buzzer, so it shocks Snap.

Snap screams and sucks on his hand. Jerry laughed "That's your first lesson, son, the granddaddy of all pranks. The joy buzzer." He showed the joy buzzer on his hand as snap got closer to take a better look "I don't get it."

Jerry said "You don't have to get it. The prank is for the enjoyment of the prankster.
Rudy said "You see, Snap, Jerry here is the master. I learned all I know about pranks from him." He and Snap walk to the checkout counter and Jerry is behind it. "Okay, Jerry, let's see what you've got."

Jerry said "Well, this came in just this morning." He shows a package of gum "Have some gum." Snap took the gum and chews the gum but then he screams as the gum explodes "Ha! Exploding chewing gum. Only $9.95."
Snap said as his head was covered in smoke "I don't get it."

Rudy asked as he takes out a dollar "What can we get for one dollar?"
Jerry replied "One dollar will get you this fake gag dollar––" Jerry takes out a fake dollar "fool your friends into thinking you've got a real dollar."

Rudy asked "What else have you got?"

Jerry holds up a whoopee cushion. "A whoopee cushion."

Rudy said "Nah."

Jerry holds up fake vomit "Fake vomit."

Rudy said "No."
Part of the counter is covered in real vomit. "Real vomit?"

Rudy said "Eugghh. Don't you have anything good?"

Jerry said "Well, there is one prank that I've been saving for a real top of the line prankster." It shows a close up of a spray can "Invisible Spray!"

Rudy said "Wow, invisible spray!"

Snap said "But I can see it."

Rudy said "Gee, Snap, just think of the pranks we could pull with this."

Rudy gives Jerry some money.

Jerry said "Good choice. Now be careful with that stuff, boys. It stains clothes."
Rudy said "Thanks, Jerry."

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