2.Angelic bitch

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Zhang Yi stepped out of his home, greeted by a tranquil scene outside, brimming with the joy and contentment of the mortal realm.

Many parents accompanied their children, engaging in playful activities on the square within the community, their faces adorned with blissful smiles.

However, Zhang Yi knew that in just another month, all of this would fade away like a mirage.

He briskly left the community, not far from which stood a Michelin three-star Western restaurant.

A meal there would cost at least five or six thousand, an extravagance Zhang Yi had refrained from indulging in before.

But now, he cared little for such matters.

Entering the restaurant, Zhang Yi sought out a window-side seat and proceeded to order the most expensive dishes on the menu, along with a bottle of Château Lafite red wine.

The bill quickly racked up to fifty thousand yuan.

Even the waitstaff in the restaurant regarded Zhang Yi with a mixture of curiosity and interest, convinced he must be a wealthy scion.

After all, how could an ordinary person afford such an opulent feast?

Zhang Yi paid no mind to their speculative glances, focusing solely on the sumptuous feast before him. He began voraciously savoring every bite, his previous six months of surviving the cold apocalypse flooding back to him. Such delectable food moved him nearly to tears.

Perhaps due to the hardships he had endured, his dining manners took on a certain ferocity, drawing whispers from the surrounding diners.

Zhang Yi paid them no heed.

For, you see, after the apocalypse arrived, people would kneel and bow for a pack of instant noodles.

By then, all semblance of civilization and morality would be naught but a fleeting dream.

As Zhang Yi indulged in his meal, a passing woman outside the window halted in her tracks.

She was a woman with flowing hair, impeccable makeup, and Gucci high heels – none other than Fang Yuqing, the woman who had caused Zhang Yi's demise in a past life.

By her side, her close confidante Li Caining accompanied her.

As they passed the Michelin three-star restaurant, both couldn't help but cast longing gazes.

For these opulent surroundings, both held deep yearnings within their hearts.

Yet, the funds at their disposal forbade them from squandering their resources here.

But that didn't prevent them from casting curious glances inside.

Perhaps they might catch a glimpse of a premium scion, a catch worthy of their efforts.

To their astonishment, Fang Yuqing spotted Zhang Yi within, seated before an array of premium dishes.

"Isn't that Zhang Yi? How could he afford to dine here?" Fang Yuqing exclaimed in surprise.

Li Caining, equally astonished, covered her mouth. "Zhang Yi, was he really this wealthy all along?"

In a suggestive tone, she looked at Fang Yuqing and quipped, "Yuqing, you're quite lucky! The lapdog chasing after you turns out to be a hidden wealthy scion."

"Look at that spread of dishes before him, easily worth fifty to sixty thousand. Who among common folk could afford such a lavish meal?"

Li Caining's voice was tinged with envy.

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