26.gangster robbery gangster

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Upon seeing Aunt Lin, no matter how loudly they called, she remained unresponsive. It was only then that the neighbors began to realize they had fallen victim to Aunt Lin's deception!

For a moment, the chat group was filled with "warm greetings" directed at Aunt Lin.

However, from the moment Aunt Lin decided to deceive her neighbors, she had long discarded any pretense of a good reputation. She couldn't care less about the insults hurled her way.

Nevertheless, someone had set their sights on the supplies she had duped from others.

For instance, there was Chen Zhenghao, a man of the underworld!

Although the apocalypse had been upon them for five days now, nobody knew the true situation outside. Thus, it had not yet escalated to the point where people were fighting desperately over supplies.

In Zhang Yi's memories, Chen Zhenghao had later led a group to plunder others, even resorting to violence when necessary. However, at this moment, he did not intend to take supplies from his neighbors by force.

After all, not all those from the underworld were irrational; Chen Zhenghao had a bit of a brain. Even when facing Zhang Yi, who had previously shot him in the leg, he didn't choose to continue raiding Zhang Yi's home without absolute certainty.

By now, their supplies had also dwindled significantly.

People like Chen Zhenghao had no habit of stockpiling supplies at home in this chaotic society.

While they had a fair amount of beer in their fridge, it had long frozen into ice, and it was far from sufficient to stave off hunger. Drinking it would require smashing the ice blocks and gnawing on them.

Aunt Lin's actions, however, piqued Chen Zhenghao's interest.

Aunt Lin had promised to collect supplies and distribute them fairly among the neighbors. Although he had initially scoffed at her words, it had now become apparent that Aunt Lin had acquired a portion of her neighbors' supplies through deceitful means.

This gave him a legitimate reason to claim his share!

Even after the ice and snow thawed and turmoil erupted, Aunt Lin would not dare to confront him due to her guilty conscience.

So, Chen Zhenghao picked up his phone and dialed Aunt Lin's number.

At this moment, Aunt Lin was at home, enjoying some cookies with her grandson, Little Tiger.

Cooking instant noodles required waiting for the brief periods when electricity was available to boil water.

Suddenly, her phone rang urgently.

"Grandma, it's a call!"

Little Tiger pointed at the phone and said.

Aunt Lin let out a cold snort, her eyes filled with disdain.

She believed it was undoubtedly a call from the neighbors she had deceived. She felt no guilt whatsoever about those fools, dismissing them as mere simpletons.

However, as she picked up the phone and saw the caller's name, her face revealed a trace of fear.

"Chen Zhenghao? What does he want with me?"

Chen Zhenghao was notorious in the area, not only having many underlings but also rumored to have powerful connections. Aunt Lin, a mere community worker, had no business dealing with someone like him.

Aunt Lin reluctantly answered the call.

Chen Zhenghao's voice came through, "Hello, Aunt Lin! You're quite skilled, managing to get everyone's supplies into your hands."

Aunt Lin, hearing the word "supplies," instantly grew alert.

She cleared her throat and said, "As a community worker, it's my responsibility to manage and coordinate supplies for everyone."

Chen Zhenghao let out a cold laugh, "Heh, perfect. We're running low on supplies at our place. You should bring some over to me right away!"

Aunt Lin's face stiffened. She hadn't anticipated that this thug would come to her doorstep to extort supplies.

She seemed to have forgotten that she had obtained some of the neighbors' supplies through similar dishonest means.

Although Aunt Lin didn't dare provoke Chen Zhenghao, she was unwilling to hand over the supplies she had acquired to ensure her and her grandson's survival.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I still need to coordinate these supplies properly. Some households haven't turned in their contributions, so I can't distribute them just yet."

Chen Zhenghao was growing impatient. "You old hag, you really have no shame! Those supplies were all taken for your own benefit, weren't they?"

"Let me make it clear; you better hand them over willingly, or else, hehe, I'll come and take them myself!"

Aunt Lin turned pale with fear, trembling as she didn't know how to respond.

She had always been a bully when dealing with ordinary homeowners, but when it came to handling someone like Chen Zhenghao, she was utterly clueless.

All she could muster was a feeble warning, "What do you intend to do? I'm warning you, don't cause trouble! I'm a community worker!"

Chen Zhenghao laughed mockingly, "Hah, what a joke. You're making a fool out of yourself! If you don't hand over the supplies, I'll come take them myself!"

With that, Chen Zhenghao hung up the phone.

Over the past few days, due to the intense cold, he had gathered his men in his home. Having more people together provided warmth and helped take care of those who had fallen ill after being drenched in cold water by Zhang Yi.

Chen Zhenghao was no fool; he realized that the situation was taking a worrying turn, so he consolidated his manpower.

If necessary, having people on his side would give him absolute authority to control the situation.

However, with many mouths to feed, food was a concern.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Zhenghao called his men together and, as a group, marched towards Aunt Lin's home.

From the security cameras, Zhang Yi could clearly see the scene unfolding.

Sitting on top of the TV, legs propped up on the coffee table, he enjoyed his potato chips while watching the drama on TV.

"Oh, it seems like we're in for a dog-eat-dog show!"

Zhang Yi grinned.

It was only the fifth day of the apocalypse, and he hadn't expected such an entertaining spectacle. Moreover, both sides were people he strongly disliked.

Zhang Yi was in an excellent mood.

Suddenly, he thought of the foolish neighbors who had fallen for Aunt Lin's deceit.

Based on his previous life's memories and his understanding of these neighbors, even after this incident, more would likely be fooled in the future.

People always had a sense of optimism, and because of thousands of years of Confucianism in China, they tended to obey the authority represented by Aunt Lin.

Thus, she would continue to fleece them.

Zhang Yi stroked his chin. "What if I share what's happening here in the group? It should be quite interesting!"

A wicked smile played on his lips. "It's bound to be quite a spectacle!"

So, he pressed the record button.

After Chen Zhenghao and his men arrived at Aunt Lin's home, they began shouting loudly, demanding that she open the door.

Yuelu Garden was a mid-range residential complex, and every household had installed security doors.

However, it was common knowledge that these doors were meant to deter burglars, not withstand a forceful assault.

Aunt Lin desperately tried to block the door,

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