13.ice age is coming

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Zhang Yi had completely emptied the entire warehouse of Walmart South China!

Goods worth billions were all transported into his spatial dimension.

And he continued to feign ignorance, promptly reporting the incident to Walmart's top management.

Soon, this news spread throughout the entire top echelon of Walmart South China.

A group of leaders, shaken and bewildered, rushed to the scene and alerted the authorities about the theft.

Zhang Yi didn't worry about exposing himself at all.

After all, within a mere two hours, an entire warehouse holding billions worth of goods had vanished, an occurrence too absurd to fathom.

Even with a thorough police investigation, there was no way they could unravel the mystery in such a short time.

Yet he still pretended to be nervous and frightened, cooperating with the police investigation.

After a night of questioning, Zhang Yi was released.

On the police side, there were also doubts about the incident.

They had reviewed the surveillance footage both inside and outside the warehouse.

Although the internal footage had been tampered with, it was inconceivable that the disappearance of millions of cubic feet of goods would leave no trace.

However, the review of the external footage revealed no signs of any vehicles passing by.

In other words, either the billions worth of goods had vanished into thin air, or... it was an inside job, with Walmart high-ups deceiving for insurance money.

By logical deduction, the latter seemed far more plausible.

After all, unless a supernatural phenomenon had occurred, there was no explanation for the sudden disappearance of millions of cubic feet of goods within two hours.

As for Zhang Yi and his fellow employees, they raised some suspicion as well.

However, since there was no logical explanation for the disappearance of the goods, even if there were issues with internal personnel, it wasn't the primary concern.

Zhang Yi was ordered not to leave Tianhai City for the short term and had to cooperate with both the police and Walmart's internal investigations.

Zhang Yi cooperated fully and was eventually released.

Back at home, Zhang Yi glanced through the blinds of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Today was December 8th, and there were only four days left until the onset of the Ice Age.

For the days ahead, all he had to do was stay home and go nowhere, securing a win in the game of life.

Thinking about the billions worth of resources in his spatial dimension, encompassing almost everything he'd ever need, Zhang Yi felt exceptionally at ease.

He returned to his bedroom and lay down. After a night of busyness and cooperating with the interrogation, he felt somewhat fatigued.


During this nap, Zhang Yi slept until evening. When he turned on the TV, it was broadcasting the news about the theft at Walmart South China.

Due to the immense loss of goods and the bizarre nature of the incident, news networks across the country were racing to cover it.

"Such a huge warehouse emptied in just a few hours, it must be an inside job!"

"It's definitely an inside job, possibly even orchestrated by Walmart's top brass for insurance fraud."

"That's millions of cubic feet of goods; even with large trucks, it would take all night to transport it. How could it disappear so suddenly?"

Zhang Yi smiled faintly. This matter would remain a mystery until the apocalypse arrived.

In the days that followed, Zhang Yi remained in his home, going nowhere.

He knew that there wasn't much time left for this world.

For safety's sake, he wouldn't leave his room without authorization.

During this time, both the police and Walmart headquarters investigators summoned him for questioning.

Though they had suspicions about Zhang Yi's behavior that night, the investigation was brief, and there was no concrete evidence to warrant his arrest.

During this period, some acquaintances messaged him to inquire about the inside story, but Zhang Yi skillfully brushed them off.

Finally, on December 12th, the day arrived.

The gamma rays passed by Earth at 2 AM, lasting only an instant, but their impact on the planet was devastating.

A few hours before this, Zhang Yi had sealed his room and started a fire in the fireplace.

As energy sources dwindled, air conditioning and heating systems would soon cease to function, leaving only primitive means of staying warm.

At 2 AM, he sat on the sofa by the large floor-to-ceiling window, holding a bottle of beer, staring fixedly outside.

Suddenly, the end of the sky was bathed in white light, though it was the middle of the night. The earth seemed to brighten as if it were dusk.

However, this radiance lasted only a mere two seconds before fading away.

Most people were asleep at this hour, so they didn't notice this momentary change.

But Zhang Yi, who understood what it signified, felt a chill run down his spine.

He took a big gulp of beer, finding comfort in the refreshing taste of Budweiser.

Zhang Yi thought ahead and tossed several logs of high-quality wood into the fireplace.

He knew that, soon enough, the roads would be frozen, and traditional means of heating would become obsolete.

Within moments, the balcony outside was covered in a thick layer of snow.

Zhang Yi checked his phone for news, discovering that reports about the sudden drop in temperature had already spread across the internet.

People online were complaining about the unseasonably cold winter and their lack of preparation for winter clothing.

"This blasted weather! How can it be below freezing by now?"

"Tomorrow, the streets will probably be frozen. How are we supposed to go to work?"

Yet, some were elated.

"Finally, with all this snow, we won't have to go to work tomorrow, haha!"

Especially for friends from the southern regions, they were ecstatic about experiencing such heavy snowfall for the first time.

Zhang Yi shook his head. This was just the beginning.

Over the next three months, the snowfall would continue, and the temperature would plummet.

By then, people wouldn't be as enthusiastic about the snow.

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