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Zhang Yi asked Jiang Lei with concern, "Are you okay?"

Jiang Lei, surprised that Zhang Yi would inquire about his well-being, quickly replied, "Just a scratch, I'm fine."

Zhang Yi then expressed his anger with a tone of righteous indignation: "Those dogs of the Tianhe Gang nearly harmed one of my great generals! Jiang Lei, take a rest tomorrow, no need for you to be on duty."

He then addressed the group chat: "Everyone performed well tonight. Tomorrow, we will reward those who participated in the attack on the Tianhe Gang. Everyone involved will receive a minimum of two portions of food! Jiang Lei, who bravely sustained injuries, deserves our admiration, so he gets a day off tomorrow and a special reward of a large portion of braised pork rice!"

Hearing Zhang Yi's inspiring words, the neighbors were thrilled. Although eight of them had died, death had become commonplace, and they were numb to it. The most important thing was the promise of double food portions tomorrow!

The neighbors were envious of Jiang Lei, who would get to enjoy braised pork rice in these times. They hardly had the ingredients or the luxury to cook such meals, let alone the spices required. Most had almost forgotten what braised pork rice tasted like.

"Zhang Yi is mighty!"

"Indeed, it's best to stick with Zhang Yi. We get meat!"

"Damn, I missed out on the action this time. Next time, that braised pork rice will be mine!"

Many resolved to fight harder in the future.


The next morning, Zhang Yi donned his full-body protective gear before confidently leaving his home. He planned to check some nearby large malls and hotels for useful items.

Exiting through the fourth-floor window, he noticed the snow outside had sunk considerably, stained with blotches of blood. It reminded him of the recent battles around the building.

Zhang Yi felt a momentary pang of emotion before focusing, retrieving his snowmobile from a hidden spot, and heading out of the community.

As the motorbike roared to life, that familiar feeling of being watched returned. Though he couldn't see the people behind the windows, he knew many were observing him.

Zhang Yi's gaze coldly swept across the high-rises. These people could soon become his enemies and end up dead by his hand.

His gaze slowly shifted back, but as it passed building #21, something felt off.

Building #21, the den of the Mad Wolf Gang.

Zhang Yi frowned slightly. It didn't sit right with him that the Mad Wolf Gang in building #21, not far from his own, knew about his supplies and snowmobile but had never made a move against him.

Previously, Zhang Yi thought they were cautious, afraid of him. But now, it seemed too strange. Even if cautious, they were still young men in their twenties, and the temptation of a snowmobile was too great to ignore completely.

The strangest part was that leaders from other buildings had approached Zhang Yi for cooperation, but the Mad Wolf Gang never contacted him. This was highly abnormal and suspicious.

Zhang Yi interpreted this behavior as the deadliest kind: the silent but lethal dogs planning a sneak attack. He felt the handgun in his pocket and remembered the fully loaded larger guns in his space, feeling reassured.

He took out his phone and quickly messaged Uncle You and Zhou Keer to lock their doors at home and be wary of surprise attacks from residents of other buildings. Then, he tucked his phone away to protect it from the cold.

Starting his snowmobile, Zhang Yi set off towards the edge of the community. As he approached, a sudden change occurred. Snow burst up from the ground ahead, and a door panel stood up directly in front of his snowmobile.

Unable to stop in time, Zhang Yi swerved the vehicle. The snowmobile crashed against the door panel, and two people hidden in the snow were thrown into the air. They had set up the door as a makeshift barricade, but it was too flimsy to stop Zhang Yi and ended up backfiring.

Realizing he was ambushed, Zhang Yi acted swiftly. Several attackers emerged from the snow, weapons in hand, and charged at him. Zhang Yi drew his gun and opened fire. His precise shooting ability allowed him to eliminate three attackers immediately with headshots.

More attackers approached, brandishing knives. In a critical moment, Zhang Yi aimed his gun at the head of one, firing just as the attacker's knife was about to strike. The rest of the attackers, seeing their comrades fall so quickly, hesitated, shocked by Zhang Yi's lethal efficiency.

Not giving them a chance to react, Zhang Yi fired again, taking down two more. The remaining four panicked and started to flee. Zhang Yi decided not to shoot them in the back. Instead, he bit his gun and chased them on his snowmobile.

The attackers couldn't run fast in the snow, more like crawling than running. As the sound of the snowmobile neared, they were terrified, some even wetting themselves. Zhang Yi caught up with the last person, hitting him with the snowmobile. The victim's screams filled the air as Zhang Yi mercilessly ran over him. The impact broke the man's spine and crushed his head.

Hearing the horrific screams, the remaining attackers, pale with fear, ran desperately as if chased by demons. Zhang Yi, displaying his ruthlessness and efficiency, had decisively dealt with the ambush.

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