100.Kill them to your heart's content!

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After Zhang Yi ran over the man with his snowmobile, he looked back to see the man lying in the snow, blood gushing from his mouth. Zhang Yi quickly ended his suffering with a shot.

Continuing his pursuit, Zhang Yi wanted to find out where these attackers had come from. Those attempting to harm him had to pay a price, and their escape route seemed to lead to building #21, the territory of the Mad Wolf Gang.

On the seventh floor of building #21, the leader of the Mad Wolf Gang, Wang Qiang, and his deputy, Xiao Lu, watched the scene unfold with heavy hearts. They had prepared for days for this ambush, scouting Zhang Yi's routes and timings, and had sent ten men to lie in wait. They thought it was a foolproof plan, but they hadn't accounted for Zhang Yi's exceptional marksmanship and abundant ammunition. Not only did they fail to kill Zhang Yi and seize his snowmobile, but they also suffered heavy casualties and now faced his wrath.

Wang Qiang ordered everyone to gather at the entrance and set up traps, cautioning them about Zhang Yi's firearms. Xiao Lu assured him that their building was well-fortified. They retreated from the windows, knowing Zhang Yi had guns, including a sniper rifle, and exposing themselves meant certain death.

Inside building #21, the Mad Wolf Gang members hid, praying Zhang Yi wouldn't storm in. Meanwhile, Zhang Yi was methodically hunting down the remaining gang members outside. He effortlessly shot each one he encountered.

The last attacker almost reached the entrance of building #21 before Zhang Yi's snowmobile caught up. Zhang Yi saw the darkened rooms of the building, aware the Mad Wolf Gang was likely setting an ambush. He didn't use his gun but instead drew a Damascus steel hunting knife he'd bought but never used on a person.

With a swift motion, the knife sliced through the man's neck, and his head rolled to the ground. The Mad Wolf Gang members hiding inside felt a chill down their spines as they witnessed the death of their last comrade.

Zhang Yi parked his snowmobile outside building #21. He knew there were likely traps and ambushes inside and didn't venture in, as it was too risky. Yet he felt too lenient just letting the Mad Wolf Gang members off the hook.

The commotion had alerted the entire community, including residents of building #25. Uncle You and Li Bin, who were on duty, gathered others and rushed to support Zhang Yi with their weapons.

Zhang Yi, realizing the gravity of the situation, expressed his concern: "You okay?"

Jiang Lei, surprised and appreciative that Zhang Yi would inquire about his well-being, quickly responded: "Just a scratch, I'm fine."

Zhang Yi, with a tone of indignation, said: "Those Tianhe Gang bastards almost harmed one of my key men! Jiang Lei, you don't need to be on duty tomorrow, take a rest."

Then, addressing the larger group, he said: "Everyone did well tonight. For your efforts, there will be rewards tomorrow. Those who joined the attack on the Tianhe Gang will get a minimum of two portions of food each! As Jiang Lei was bravely injured, he deserves recognition and will be given a day off tomorrow, as well as a special reward of a large portion of braised pork rice!"

His words excited the neighbors. Despite the loss of eight people, in these times, death had become too common. The promise of double portions of food was far more important.

As Zhang Yi's neighbors prepared to return to building #25, he instructed them to call everyone. Zhang Yi's mood was sour, particularly because he knew someone in building #25 had likely tipped off the Mad Wolf Gang. His daily routine was unpredictable by design to prevent such attacks, yet the ambush was perfectly timed.

Zhang Yi wasn't surprised by the betrayal, knowing these neighbors would turn on him for the right price. He simply wanted to find and eliminate the informant. However, identifying the traitor among so many potential suspects was challenging. Thus, he decided to treat everyone equally.

Zhang Yi's cold gaze swept over everyone, instilling fear. They understood the danger they had narrowly escaped. After a while, Zhang Yi stated, "People from building #21 tried to kill me. If I die, you can't survive either. They want to kill me, they want to kill all of us! We must eliminate them completely!"

"Uncle You, you'll accompany me on this mission. The rest, led by Li Chengbin, will prepare for a formal assault on building #21. For every enemy killed, I'll reward ten portions of food."

The offer enticed many, especially those who missed the chance to earn rewards the previous night. However, some raised concerns about the timing and strategy of the attack, suggesting a stealthier approach at night. Guo Dahai, a middle-aged man with a receding hairline, suggested keeping Uncle You back as a main force for a direct attack.

Hearing Guo Dahai's logic, the group murmured in agreement, considering the wisdom in waiting until night for a surprise attack and questioning Zhang Yi's impulsiveness. They believed that Uncle You, with his strong combat abilities, should be reserved for crucial moments.

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