88.Precise shooting, always hitting the target

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When a man encounters a beautiful woman, his first thought is often to engage in deep conversation with her.

Similarly, when a man acquires a good weapon, he usually wants to test its power. This habit is deeply ingrained, and even as a child, finding a good stick by the roadside would lead to swordplay adventures.

Now, Zhang Yi had obtained a sniper rifle. In his home country, this was something that ordinary people didn't even dare to dream about, let alone use it against others.

"I should see if this thing is any good!" Zhang Yi retrieved the sniper rifle from his pocket dimension and stood on the 24th-floor balcony, aiming down below.

The eight-time scope was truly powerful. What initially looked like tiny ants from the 24th floor now appeared clear and distinct.

Zhang Yi held his breath to avoid the warmth of his breath fogging up the scope.

The seven people retreating through the snow moved at a slow pace, making it relatively easy to aim.

Zhang Yi suppressed his excitement and took aim at the back of one person before squeezing the trigger.

For some reason, at the moment the bullet left the chamber, he had a strange feeling—a feeling that this bullet would hit its mark.


The gunshot in the silent night was exceptionally clear. Many people were awakened from their uneasy sleep by the sound.

Through the scope, Zhang Yi saw the person fall to the ground, the snow around them stained with a patch of blood.

"My shooting was so accurate! Am I a genius?" Zhang Yi was both astonished and delighted. He had only intended to test the rifle's performance and hadn't expected such accuracy.

"What was that strange feeling that just occurred?" Zhang Yi was surprised. He didn't have time to ponder it further, as several other people, upon hearing the gunshot and witnessing their comrade's death, began to quicken their pace.

Zhang Yi quickly reloaded and aimed at the next person. As he concentrated on one individual, that peculiar feeling reappeared.


The gunshot sounded, and another person dropped to the ground. This time, Zhang Yi realized that his ability to hit enemies from the 24th floor wasn't just a coincidence—it was a gift.

In fact, it was a special ability or power.

Murmuring to himself, Zhang Yi said, "It seems like my awakened ability is more than just the pocket dimension. It's just that my past self didn't fully explore my potential."

What he could confirm was that his unique power was closely related to space, making him a natural sharpshooter.

Before, using crossbows and handguns was primarily in close combat, so he didn't notice this ability. He only knew that shooting felt good.

Now, with the sniper rifle, this feeling became more apparent.

Zhang Yi was thrilled. In this post-apocalyptic world, having an extra ability added an extra layer of security to his life!

He reloaded and aimed at the remaining individuals.




Firing one shot after another, he rapidly worked the bolt to change the bullets, and the gunshots echoed through the neighborhood.

With one shot per person, those few individuals didn't manage to return home; they all died along the way.

Seven lifeless bodies lay on the snowy ground, their blood staining the pure white surroundings with a stark crimson, creating a striking scene.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but smile uncontrollably. From now on, he could discreetly become a top-tier sharpshooter, specializing in taking others down from the shadows!

At this moment, the neighbors downstairs heard the gunshots and watched as Huang Wei and his group fell one by one, their eyes filled with shock.

"The gunshots are coming from the building!"

"It must be Zhang Yi!"

"At this distance, it can't be a handgun; it should be the power of a sniper rifle."

"My goodness, from such a distance, one shot, one kill! Zhang Yi is actually a sharpshooter!"

The onlookers were stunned and felt a shiver down their spines.

Considering Zhang Yi's skills, killing them would be as easy as squashing an ant.

They automatically began to imagine Zhang Yi as an undercover military expert hiding in the city.

Otherwise, how could he possess such incredible marksmanship?

"It seems that we should just listen to Zhang Yi from now on."

"Yes, we've survived this long because Zhang Yi didn't lose his temper."

Human imagination was a powerful thing, and now their reverence for Zhang Yi soared to unimaginable heights.

Not only them, but this midnight gunfire had also awakened the entire community.

Zhang Yi's sniper rifle didn't have a suppressor, but people with some knowledge in the field could tell that the sound was not produced by a handgun. In a time when having a handgun could make someone a local ruler, possessing a more powerful rifle, or even a sniper rifle, would be truly terrifying.

Zhang Yi put away the sniper rifle and rubbed his sore shoulder. The continuous shooting had taken a toll, but his excellent physical condition made it bearable. Otherwise, he would have suffered from shoulder pain for several days.

This night, there were probably many people who couldn't sleep again.

Uncle You sent Zhang Yi a message, asking if the gunshots came from him. Uncle You had a military background and could easily identify the sounds of a sniper rifle.

Zhang Yi didn't hide anything and replied, "I obtained it from the police station today."

Curious, Uncle You asked, "Were you in the military before? What was your service number?"

Zhang Yi chuckled, "I just have a bit of natural talent, that's all. Haha!"

Uncle You thought Zhang Yi didn't want to discuss it further, so he didn't push it.

"As long as it was your shot, it's good. If someone else was shooting, it would be dangerous for us."

Zhang Yi chatted casually with him and then returned to his room, lying on his warm and comfortable bed to sleep soundly.

The next day, he woke up after 9 o'clock, freshened up, and released Zhou Ke'er from the room.

"Let's prepare something to eat. I've been craving freshly cooked food. Hmm... how about making two bowls of oil-splashed noodles?"

Zhang Yi told Zhou Ke'er.

Zhou Ke'er smiled, "My cooking might not be as good as the noodle shops."

Zhang Yi shrugged indifferently, "Practice makes perfect. Besides, we have plenty of time."

After eating restaurant food for so long, they occasionally craved some homemade dishes to change things up.

Zhou Ke'er obediently went to the kitchen. In no time, she brought out two bowls of oil-splashed noodles.

Zhang Yi took a bite, and it tasted quite good.

By the way, Zhang Yi had installed surveillance cameras throughout the entire house, including the kitchen. He also provided the ingredients for the meals.

As for Zhou Ke'er, on her first day at the house, Zhang Yi had thoroughly examined her from head to toe, both inside and out. Until now, he continued to conduct daily health checks, leaving no corner untouched.

This eliminated all possible opportunities for Zhou Ke'er to poison him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have eaten food served by someone else.

Sitting at the table, Zhou Ke'er curiously asked, "I heard gunshots yesterday. Did you fire the shots from the balcony?"

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