iii. you betrayed me

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"stacy?" bianca noticed the girl walking into the backyard. "hey,"

"oh uh, hey b." stacy greeted, it felt so weird knowing that bianca knew who she was.

"oh. uh stacy you would know. uh how do you turn the jacuzzi jets on?" a random girl walked up to the two.

"the switch in the pantry." stacy answered before something else caught her attention. "oh my god!" she exclaimed once the two girls left.

bianca turned her attention towards where stacy was looking and felt her heart drop all the way to her core. "oh my god!" she repeated as her mouth parted in shock, andy and lydia were kissing.

andy looked up when he felt a pair of eyes on him and instantly made eye contact with his ex-girlfriend who glared at the two.

lydia turned around and her smile instantly fell from her face "oh my god!" her eyes scanned both of the girls faces, one was her best friend and the other wasn't even her friend but she was still andy's ex.

stacy ran away and lydia ran after her while bianca shook her head and she was about to turn around before andy made his way over to the girl. "come on b, don't be like that." he pleaded, which aggravated the girl even more.

"you just kissed a girl you don't even know," she scoffed, middle school relationships were so stupid.

"well you're the one who broke up with me, so you have no right to be jealous." he pointed out, shrugging.

"i broke up with you because i was going on vacation for two months, and you said we were getting back together after." she explained.

"yeah well we didn't." he simply replied. "look, i'm sorry— she doesn't mean anything, can we try this again?"

"no," she rolled her eyes, bianca couldn't believe the audacity he had. "and also you are so not invited to my bar mitzvah." she walked away from the blond, leaving the party all together.

" she walked away from the blond, leaving the party all together

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"i can't believe he would do that." megan scoffed, bianca was telling the girls about what happened yesterday at lydia's house.

"imagine leaving bianca archibald for lydia rodrighoe and that has no correlation to olivia rodrigo's rodrighoe merch." anya gagged, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"it's whatever, his loss." bianca brushed it off, she had spent her whole day telling herself that— she'd like to believe it was true.

just then andy walked out with his arm wrapped around lydia, his eyes immediately locking with bianca's glare. "oh my god," kym scoffed, not believing what she's seeing.

"man whore." miya rolled her eyes at the two, one thing's for sure everybody would take bianca's side.

bianca then turned her head over to stacy, who was also staring at the new couple. she knew what she needed to do, may the best one win— the best one obviously being bianca.

"i'm gonna kill myself," bianca crossed her arms over her chest, if this is what she had to watch for the next two days than she would rather relive the time she thought she wouldn't get olivia rodrigo tickets— well she got them in the end but still.

"i'm gonna kill myself," bianca crossed her arms over her chest, if this is what she had to watch for the next two days than she would rather relive the time she thought she wouldn't get olivia rodrigo tickets— well she got them in the end but still

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"okay today we're going to be talking about tikkun olam, does anyone know what that means?" rabbi rebeca questioned once the class was all seated.  "kym!" she said once she saw the girls arm go up.

"if god exist then how do you explain climate change?" she asked as she learned her head on her palm.

"it's actually an amazing question, um..." rabbi rebecca struggled to come up with an answer.

"yeah, and why can't straight people get on gay tik tok? it's way funnier" tara spoke up.

"just watch the sturniolo triplets, one of them is gay." bianaca looked over at the girl, she totally loved the sturniolo triplets her favorite being matt. "or larray he's gay too."

"and if god loves me, then why is he giving me so many zits?" aaron joined in on the conversation, ignoring bianca's statement.

"and why does apple keep changing their chargers?"

"and why did my dads doctor operate on the wrong shoulder?"

"and why do i have to share a room with my grandma?"

"and why did my ex-boyfriend kiss another girl?" bianca looked over at the two who just avoided her gaze, when she first walked inside the classroom she was late so the first thing she saw was the fact that lydia had sat in her seat and with her teacher being there she couldn't do anything about it so she had to sit in the second to last row, next to stacy.

rabbi rebecca scratched her chin in thought, trying to answer all of the kids' questions. "okay, okay i think i can explain zits and climate change, gay tik tok and bianca and andy's problems." she turned towards the board, bianca rolled her eyes that she had mentioned his name, everyone knew about it even the teachers. "musically," she exclaimed and shook the things instruments in her hands.

"oh god," bianca scoffed, this was the last thing she needed today.

"if god is real, then why is there war?" rabbi rebecca began singing. "why is there injustice? why are people poor? and why have i had a yeast infection for a solid 11 years?" she continued singing as she walked around the class, shaking the instruments in front of the kids faces. "the answer is clear, god is random." she began repeating as the class repeated her words.

"your prayer book is the playbill, cutie—pops... razzle dazzle." both bianca and stacy heard lydia whispering to andy, both of the girls turned in their seats to look at the two and an idea popped inside of bianca's head.

"go on our grade's insta rumors." bianca leaned forward to tell stacy, she would do it herself but she just got a new phone that she really didn't want taken away.

"what?" stacy furrowed her eyebrows, turning to look at the girl.

"trust me, you know what to do." bianca nodded, looking back over at their teacher, hoping that stacy would listen to her and not take her best friend's side.

"seema! what did rabbi rebecca say about being on our phones!" rebecca said in shock as stacy dropped her phone on the floor, all eyes turned towards her. "right? aaron knows what i'm talking about, come on dude." she dapped aaron up and they did a fist bump. "yup, baruch hashem, aaron."

"yes, sir." aaron nodded.

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