vii. and i know we weren't perfect but i've never felt this way for no one

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"bim bam bim bim bam." rabbi rebecca and jerry sang. "bim bim bim bim bam."

bianca wanted to stab herself with the pencil if she heard anymore of the song, seems like stacy had the same idea since both of them raised their hands at the same time.

"yes?" rabbi rebecca sang once again.

"can i go to the bathroom?" both of the girls questioned at the same time.

"yes you two can go pee—pee, but quickly." rabbi rebecca answered, still singing the words.

"so quickly," jerry added and stacy and bianca stood up from their seats.

"where are you going?" bianca asked the girl as they walked out of the room, closing the door behind them.

"to the bathroom, where else would i go?" stacy furrowed her eyebrows.

"oh, you actually go to the bathroom," bianca concluded, pursing her lips.

"you don't?"

"no," bianca scoffed, she would never even go to the bathrooms inside the school— they were disgusting. "i walk around the school to waste time,"

"well i actually have to go to the bathroom, so have fun." stacy waved her off, making her way to the bathroom.

bianca rolled her eyes but before she could go any further she heard someone yell. "b, wait up!"

she turned around and saw a familiar head of curly hair, "oh, hey andy."

"uh, do you remember our first kiss?" he nudged the girl, how could she forget in fifth grade while they were outside, andy leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips— she couldn't look at him for two weeks without blushing.

"how could i forget," she giggled, when your first kiss is with a guy you really, really like you would never forget it.

"wanna do it again?" he smirked, shrugging his shoulders.

"yeah, sure." bianca answered as andy grabbed her hand, she knew where he was taking her— for a seventh grader she had been there plenty of times with him, the make out room, to be honest they were the ones that found it first so everyone should be thanking them.

andy knocked on the door. "um, someone's in here!" an unknown girl yelled out.

"go away!" a boy called out after, making the two outside the door sigh.

"where could we go?" andy whispered, trying to think of a place. "come on let's go."

he dragged her off to a different room, pulling the curtains open and gesturing for bianca to step inside, he closed it after he also walked inside of the small space. andy noticed the look on bianca's face, "no one's gonna find us in here."

"i just feel like god's gonna be mad." she stated, making out in the make out room was different than making out in front of the torah.

"nah, god's gonna be stoked that we like each other so much." andy brushed it off.

"you're right," she smiled as andy leaned in,

in that dimly lit room, away from the prying eyes of the school, bianca and andy shared a sweet moment, reliving the memory of their first kiss. it was a simple yet profound connection, one that reminded them of the feelings they had for each other when they were younger.

their lips met, and it was like a gentle spark reigniting an old flame. time seemed to slow down, and they forgot about the world outside. the softness of the kiss, the familiarity of each other's presence, it all felt so right.

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