v. 1 step forward, 3 steps back

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"stacy friedman." kym called out to the girl who was what looked like arguing with the worker.

"hey, kym! what's up?" she turned around, noticing everyone was there and she noticed the look kym gave her when she was examining her outfit.

"hey s," bianca waved, she hated to say this but stacy wasn't bad, quite frankly she was better than her friends.

"hey, b." she grinned.

"hey, yo, what's popping?" andy began speaking, lydia sending him a glare, she did the same thing when andy and bianca greeted each other and andy talked about some retirement home. "how's the bookie business?"

"booming." stacy answered. "still got your xbox?" now normally bianca would've murdered her for doing the same thing as her, but all's fair in love and war— she said it herself.

"you know it." andy told her as lydia sent him another glance.

"that's what's up." stacy looked over at lydia's direction, noticing the girl's face.

just then someone walked out of the cinema room, dressed in a robe. "bubie, what's taking you so long?" mr. friedman questioned. "is the guy mad at us again for getting three refills? where is that dude?" danny looked around the room before noticing the younger kids. "oh, your friends are here. what's up everybody? nice to see you guys."

"i like your robe, man!" mateo complimented, making bianca hide her laugh with slapping her hand against her mouth.

"oh yeah, the kid likes the drip." danny turned towards his daughter who was looking a little embarrassed. "i like your taste." he told mateo. "so i'm gonna go outside and get a blanket from the trunk of the car 'cause it's freezing in there. we can kind of snuggle like we used to. all right?" lydia and bianca began giggling a bit, bianca always laughed in bad situations so this was normal. "always fun, right? blanket time? you know what i'm talking about bro?" he pointed over at aaron.

"wha—" aaron furrowed his eyebrows, why was it always him?

"i see you two back there, lydia, bianca." he let go off stacy and made his way over to the two girls, shaking lydia's hand first and then bianca's. "how are you two kids?"

"oh, hey." lydia greeted the man.

"hey mr. friedman." bianca politely smiled, but lydia had another thought in mind, how did danny know bianca— was stacy replacing her with bianca?

"love ya. say hi to your folks." he pointed to the two.

"of course." lydia and bianca said at the same time as danny left the kids, going over to get the blanket.

suddenly andy leaned in and kissed lydia, but lydia wasn't a good kisser— bianca was much better, actually bianca and andy's first kiss was each other so no one is better than the original.

stacy and bianca looked at the two with death stares and when they finally pulled apart, andy's gaze immediately landed on bianca, he smirked slightly at her aggravation, that was exactly the reaction he wanted.

stacy and bianca looked at the two with death stares and when they finally pulled apart, andy's gaze immediately landed on bianca, he smirked slightly at her aggravation, that was exactly the reaction he wanted

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"you didn't see her face when i kissed lydia," andy told to aaron and mateo. "i swear she was about to murder me and lydia."

"well it's b— wait, why are you still doing this?" aaron wondered. "it's clear that bianca still likes you, she always did."

"you don't get it dude, she broke up with me because she was going on vacation for two months and if she likes me more than i like her than she won't break up with me." andy explained, and the boys looked at him with puzzled looks, that didn't make sense.

"and what does that have to do with lydia?" mateo quizzed, he didn't find a reason for andy to do this— it was obvious that bianca would've taken him back.

"so she's jealous," andy shrugged, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "if she's jealous then she'll realize that she wants me all to herself."

aaron and mateo exchanged glances, clearly not entirely convinced by andy's logic. it all seemed like a convoluted plan to them, and they couldn't quite grasp why andy was going through such lengths to make bianca jealous.

"man, this sounds like a lot of unnecessary drama," aaron remarked, shaking his head. "if you like bianca, and she likes you, why not just talk it out and see where things go?"

mateo nodded in agreement. "yeah, playing games with lydia just seems like it's causing more problems than it's solving. plus, it's not really fair to her either."

andy sighed, running a hand through his hair. "if i do that than bianca will know she has the upper hand— again. i have to get her to want me as much as i want her."

aaron and mateo exchanged another set of skeptical looks, but they could see that andy was determined to see this plan through. while they might not fully understand his reasoning, they respected his decision.

"alright, man," aaron said with a sigh, "but just know it's bianca, she'll always have the upper hand, no matter what you're planning."

mateo added, "she's probably planning your's and lydia's funeral as we speak."

"what if we put green hair dye in her shampoo?" kym came up with an idea, the girls were all at bianca's house coming up with ideas for lydia

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"what if we put green hair dye in her shampoo?" kym came up with an idea, the girls were all at bianca's house coming up with ideas for lydia.

"what if we put itching powder in her gym bag?" miya proposed but bianca shook her head.

"what if we put that farting spray in her perfume?" anya snapped her fingers.

"wait that actually could work, no one wants a girlfriend that smells bad." bianca nodded. "and that shit stinks."

"it's settled, i'll get the spray tomorrow and we'll sneak it into her bag while you go talk to andy." megan clapped her hands.

"alright," bianca said with a determined smirk. "i'll have a talk with andy tomorrow, and you guys handle the 'perfume incident.' just make sure you're discreet about it."

"consider it done, queen b," kym declared, using bianca's nickname with a playful wink.

author's note, you guys i love bianca sm it's unreal also i'm not gonna make her and stacy enemies

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author's note, you guys i love bianca sm it's unreal also i'm not gonna make her and stacy enemies

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