vi. jealousy, jealousy 

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"don't you love puzzles?" bianca heard stacy's voice, jackpot. some lady had told her where she saw the girl and complained that the girl hadn't given her a bookie.

"puzzles are corny." andy stated, placing a piece of the puzzle in.

"facts." stacy switched up, bianca made her way over to the group.

"hey guys," she smiled at the two younger kids and the waved at the older woman. "hello mrs. goldfarb."

"oh, you must be bianca?" the woman pointed up at her, which only meant one thing andy talked about her. "andy's right you're very pretty."

bianca smiled at the lady as she turned to look at something and bianca looked over at andy, who turned to hide his face as stacy pursed her lips. "i have a question, is lydia a good kisser?" bianca wondered, she saw the way lydia kissed him and it was not pleasant.

"she's 'ight." andy shrugged, he officially knew that the kiss had worked.

"a'ight, huh." stacy smirked. "probably 'cause you were her first kiss."

"no, she told me she's kissed a bunch of guys before." andy revealed as he stood up and pulled up a chair for bianca between stacy and him.

"thanks," bianca smiled.

"at camp?" stacy wondered, the smirk still evident on her face.


"does her tight lipped technique suggest a high level of experience?" stacy quizzed and bianca raised her eyebrows.

"nah, it's like she thinks she's kissing a stuffed animal or something." andy said. "plus every time i try to move my hand she starts laughing, says she's mad ticklish."

"you have the patience of a saint." stacy scoffed. "a jewish saint."

"true," andy boasted as bianca rolled her eyes.

"twenty points for me!" mrs. goldfarb called out, grabbing everyone's attention.

"get it, grandma." andy nodded.

"want me to take a picture of you and your grandma to prove to your mom you're here?" bianca turned towards andy, taking her phone out of her pocket.

"uh, yeah, that's lowkey a good idea." andy replied.

"i'll take it on mine, since i'm at the end." stacy rejoined the conversation as everyone scooted closer.

stacy took her phone out as andy wrapped an arm around bianca and pulled her closer, sticking out both of his middle fingers. his grandma also flipped the camera off, making bianca and andy turn towards the older lady.

"yeah grandma," andy commented, still keeping his arm wrapped around bianca.

"hilarious." stacy spoke, looking down at her phone. "i have to prove to rabbi rebecca i'm here too, i'm volunteering for my mitzvah project."

"that's what's up." andy remarked.

"here i'll send them to you." stacy sent the message.

"for sure,"

"oh shoot i just sent you more pics, just ignore them." stacy dismissed it but bianca knew what she was doing she probably had some kind of photoshoot and now she sent andy the pics.

andy opened his phone and scrolled thru the pictures of stacy and long behold bianca was right. "nice,"

suddenly bianca's phone chimed, it was a text from kym, 'done'.

suddenly bianca's phone chimed, it was a text from kym, 'done'

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did you put something in lydia's perfume?

me? never

b answer me honestly
i just saw her while i was shopping
her and andy broke up

her and andy broke up???

he couldn't deal with the
closed mouth kissing, the tickling
and because she lied about
kissing boys and when he saw
her she apparently
smelled really bad

oh well sucks to suck

b was it you?

it was kym and everyone else
i never do my own dirty work

you do know that she actually stinks
i could smell her from the
other side of the store

yeah that was the point
oh well me vs you now
good luck

"andy and lydia broke up," bianca placed her phone down, looking at the girls

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"andy and lydia broke up," bianca placed her phone down, looking at the girls.

"finally." anya sighed. "now you two can finally get back together."

"what about stacy?" miya asked. "she also likes him."

"i told stacy, may the best woman win." bianca shrugged. "and i'm planning on winning,"

the girls exchanged glances, recognizing the determination in bianca's eyes. they had seen her rise to the occasion before, and this was no exception.

"queen b is back in the game," kym declared with a grin.

"miss bianca, your dresses are here." dorota walked inside of her room, bianca had ordered a bunch of designer dresses for her bat mitzvah.

"i'll be right down." she smiled and all of the girls jumped off the bed, excited to see the clothes she had gotten.

the girls followed bianca downstairs to find a collection of stunning dresses spread out on the living room couch. each dress was more elegant and glamorous than the last, a testament to bianca's impeccable taste.

"oh my gosh, these are amazing!" megan exclaimed as she picked up a delicate lace gown.

"isn't this the one lily rose depp wore to the met gala?" kym pointed to a vintage chanel dress.

"and that is also the one i'm wearing to my bat mitzvah." bianca smiled, going over and grabbing the black dress. "what do you think?"

"if andy doesn't want you, i'll gladly have you." anya raised her hand.

bianca laughed at anya's comment. "well, i appreciate the offer, but i have my sights set on someone else right now." she winked, her mind clearly focused on winning andy back.

author's note, this story's gonna be pretty short it'll definitely have 10+ chapters but idk if it'll make it to 20 chapters

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author's note, this story's gonna be pretty short it'll definitely have 10+ chapters but idk if it'll make it to 20 chapters

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