iv. do you love me, want me, hate me?

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bianca stood in front of the friedman's front door, taking a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. a man opened up— stacy's dad. "oh hello." he greeted the younger girl.

"hi mr. friedman," she waved at the man, placing her prada sunglasses on top of her head. "is stacy here?"

"yeah," he nodded and turned around. "stacy a girl is here to see you!" danny turned back to the girl. "come in. are you a friend of stacy's?"

"uh yeah, i guess you could say we're friends." if being friends counted as liking the same guy but that guy is dating another girl that so happens to be stacy's best friend, then yes they are friends. "i'm bianca archibald."

"an archibald?" danny grinned, "i went to middle school and high school with your dad."

"really?" bianca tilted her head, her dad had mentioned a guy named danny she just never knew it was stacy's dad. "that's amazing."

just then stacy came downstairs, brows furrowing at the girl. why was bianca archibald in her house? i mean not that she was complaining— it was bianca archibald but why was she here? "b?"

"hey, s." she waved at the girl and stacy's confusion grew even more, since when did she have a nickname for her? is she planning her revenge on lydia— oh my god what if she's planning to ruin stacy's life? "can we talk?"

"uh, yeah. let's go to my room." she pointed up the stairs, and danny smiled at the two girls.

"have fun."

stacy led bianca up the stairs to her room, a perplexed expression still lingering on her face. she couldn't help but wonder what had brought bianca archibald to her doorstep, asking to talk. it wasn't a scenario she had expected.

as they entered her room, stacy motioned for bianca to take a seat on the bed, her curiosity finally getting the better of her. "so, what's up, b?" she asked, still trying to decipher the reason for this unexpected visit.

bianca cleared her throat. "listen, stacy, i know this might sound strange coming from me, but i've been doing a lot of thinking lately. about a lot of things."

stacy watched her, her interest piqued. "okay, i'm listening."

bianca took a deep breath, her gaze meeting stacy's. "i think we should get revenge on lydia."

"what?" stacy's eyes widened, never in a million years did she think this would happen. "but i already spread the rumor."

"hear me out, both of us want andy—" bianca began, noticing that stacy was about to protest. "don't disagree with me i already know the truth." bianca cut her off, making stacy purse her lips. "and with lydia out of the picture, it's me versus you and well may the best woman win."

stacy blinked in disbelief, her initial shock at bianca's unexpected visit now compounded by the even more unexpected proposal. revenge on lydia? the idea seemed like something out of a movie plot, not a conversation she'd have with bianca archibald.

"wait, bianca, are you serious?" stacy stammered, her mind racing to comprehend the sudden turn of events. "you want us to work together to get back at lydia?"

bianca leaned in closer, her expression resolute. "absolutely. look, we both know lydia isn't the right fit for andy. and if we're both after him, it only makes sense to level the playing field."

stacy was torn. on one hand, the idea of collaborating with bianca, seemed surreal. on the other hand, the thought of winning andy's heart was enticing. she took a deep breath and asked cautiously, "what's your plan, b?"

"yeah, for once i actually don't have one," bianca revealed and stacy just nodded in response. "i don't really know her and because you're her best friend i'm guessing you have some things on her..." she trailed off expecting, stacy to finish.

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