Chapter 7 Father Christmas

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Chapter 7 Father Christmas
(Vivian's P.O.V.)

The next morning we were back outside hiking through the snow. We reached and Mr. Beaver pointed into the distance where you could barely see a stretch of land.
"Now Aslan's how is near the stone table, just across the frozen river." He directed.
"River?" Peter echoed.
"Oh, the river's been frozen solid for over a hundred years." Mrs. Beaver reassured.

"It's so far."

"It's the world dear, did you expect it to be small?" I smiled at this. Susan, however, wasn't very fond of that idea.
"Smaller." She said with distaste.

We started walking on lower ground but the three Pevensie's and I were starting to grow tired and fall behind.
"C'mon humans, while we're still young." Mr. Beaver complained.
"If he tells us to hurry up one more time, I'm gonna turn him into a big fluffy hat." Peter jokes, lifting lucy up onto his back.
"Hurry up! C'mon!"
"He is getting a little bossy." Lucy agreed. I nodded, backing uo her statement.
"No, behind you! It's her!" The female beaver shouted. I looked over my shoulder to see a huge sleigh heading straight for us. Forgeting our tiredness, we all began to sprint. We ran until we found a giant rock we could all hide behind. All of us stayed silent as we scrambled into our hiding spot. I soon heard the sleigh stop and the sound of footsteps.
"Maybe... she's gone." Lu suggested, but I don't think that even she believed that.
"I suppose I'll go look." Peter said, moving to get up but beaver stopped him,
"No, you're worth nothing to Narnia dead." He started to walk away from the large stone.
"But niether are you beaver." His wife reasoned, trying to stop him.
"Thanks sweetheart," he responded, before continuing his path out of the shelter. Moments later Mr. Beaver stuck his head around the rock causing Lucy to yelp in surprise.
"C'mon, c'mon! I hope you've been good 'cause there's someone here to see ya!" We all stepped out from behind the rock to see, not the witch, but Father Christmas himself. Joy filled my entire body and I most likely had the biggest grin on my face.
"Marry Christmas, sir" Lucy and I said stepping closer to him.
"It certainly is, since you have arrived." He said with a smile.
"Look, I've put up with a lot since I got here but this-" Susan began but Peter quickly cut her off.
"We thought you were the witch."
"Yes, sorry about that. but in my defense I've been driving one of these longer than the witch." He apologized, patting the hood of the red sleigh.
"I thought there was no Christmas in Narnia." Susan stated.
"No, not for a very long time. But the hope that you have brought, your majesties, is finally starting to weaken the witch's power. Now I dare say you could do with these." He grabbed a huge sack from the back of his sleigh and placed it on the ground.
"Presents!" Lucy exclaimed, stepping right in front of the bag. Father Christmas laughed and got something out of his sack.
"The juice of the fire flower, one drop will cure any injury." He began, handing her a cordial filled with a red liquid. Next, he held up a small dagger.
"And though I hope you won't have to use it."
"Thank you sir,"she said, taking the dagger into her hands,
"I think I can be brave enough."
"I'm sure you could, but battles are ugly affairs." Next, he pulled out a bow and quiver of arrows.
"Susan," he stated, handing them to her,
"trust in this bow and it will not easily miss."
"What happened to 'battles are ugly affairs'." Susan said. I could almost see the negativity coming off of her. Father Christmas chuckled.
"Well, you don't seem to have a problem making yourself heard. Blow on this and wherever you are, help will come."handing her a ivory horn with the carving of a roaring lion's mouth at the end. She thanked him and he walked back to his bag. I stepped up to him.
"Vivian, as you may be aware, the time for these is very near at hand." He said, handing me a sword and a dagger. The dagger, unlike Lucy's, was about half the size of my sword.
"Also, word is that you have a habit of losing things. This compass will point you in the direction of what your heart truly desires."
"Thank you sir." I said, slipping the chain around my neck. Just as soon as I put it on the arrow on the compass started spinning, searching? Perhaps. I picked it up and felt something bumpy on the back, I turned it over. 'Have faith in your heart for your mind may be tricked' was engraved on it. I smiled an walked back to the group, letting Peter take my place in front of Father Christmas.
"Peter, as I told Vivian; the time to use these are near at hand." He handed Peter a sword and shield.
"Thank you sir." Said Peter, inspecting his sword.
"These are tools, not toys." Father Christmas began,
"Bear them well and wisely. Now! I must be off, winter is almost over and things do tend to pile up after an hundred years. long live Aslan, and merry Christmas." he got back into his sleigh and riding off.
"Merry Christmas!" I shouted after him, waving. Lucy turned to her siblings,
"Told you he was real."
"He said winter was almost over," I reminded the group, "you know what that means."
Peter was the first to catch on,
"No more winter, no more ice."
A/N: I am so happy I finally got to write this part. This is one of my favorite scenes in the movie. I included Vivian's presents on the side.
As always have a brilliant morning, afternoon, and/or night!

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