1. You stayed

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In life, a lot of people ask me for relationship advice. There's two things I know that you can do, you can leave, or you can stay. I always knew when I fell in love with him, that he'd be the one. The one worth fighting for. The one worth staying with. He stayed. I was known for my reputation of writing about boys & breakups. However, I never needed to write about our breakup, because we never broke up.

When I was upset, or mad, he didn't run. He stayed. I couldn't ask for anyone better than him. He was so tall, and handsome as hell. I'm happy to have found him, I honestly thought I would never find the right guy.

When I met him, I just knew he was the one. There wasn't a doubt in my mind about it either. My 6th album had just been released two months ago. I don't think I could remember the last relationship I was in where I was this happy. I don't know if ever was this happy with any guy. When I was with him, it made me the happiest girl alive. I know that real love is a tough thing to find, but I think I've found it. Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street. Passionate as sin, and when I was with him the rest of the world was black and white,but we were in screaming color. I don't care what people say about me anymore. People think I'm a slut,whore,hoe,etc. I haven't dated anyone other than him in a year. People are so judgmental.

Tomorrow is our anniversary. Our one year anniversary. I can't believe it's been an entire year. I've never had a relationship last this long. I may seem crazy, but I think I want to marry him.

Our love is something real, something not many people get to experience in their life. A lot of people settle for their something, even if they know they can do better. I wasn't going to settle for someone that didn't love me. I didn't want to be with someone who ran away when I yelled, or screamed because I was upset.

I know that this love is ours. It's something no one else can have. I only experience it when I'm with him. Even when I'm just thinking about him, I get tingly. I can't contain myself. I'm the romantic type of girl. I can't help it if he looks like an angel.

I may be known for breaking up with guys, but if Adam and I broke up, I would be crying for days. It's not the kind of relationship you just get over and move on with. We have a connection,so to speak, more or less a bond. A bond that can't be broken. Something that even despite all the drama, I live with. I can't help but wonder what my future will be like. Will I ever have any kids? If so, how many? Where would we live? Will I still be singing in ten years?

All I know is that when I wake up in the morning I want to wake up next to him. Not anyone else. Just him. I can't imagine being with anyone else and it's so hard to hide my feelings, but at the same time, i don't want to hide them either.

He's sitting next to me right now. We're at the Brits awards, where we met. His arm is resting on my shoulder. I rest my head on his shoulder as they announce the nominees for the "best DJ" category. I know he's going to win but I'm still nervous. My hands are shaking and my knees are wobbly. I'm so happy for him, even though he hasn't even won yet.

This Love Is Ours {tayvin/taylvin/talvin}Where stories live. Discover now