6. I feel so close

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Calvin's POV
Taylor walked in crying. She knew. My arms might never work again. How did this even happen? As much as I've wanted to tell her I'm alright, and I'll be ok, I know I won't be. I start therapy tomorrow, they are hoping I can regain function of my arms. If I work hard enough I might just be able to. It's so weird. Not using my arms, is like indescribable. I have no control over what I want to do.
"Please don't cry. I start therapy tomorrow. I'm hoping it works"
"So do I. The cats miss you, I miss the way you used to hold me, and the way you would wrap your arms around me and-" she began bawling. I felt awful. I wanted to hold her and touch her, and kiss her and hug her. But I can't. If I could I most certainly would.

"I love you Taylor, you know that. I would hold you and kiss you and touch you if I could. But I obviously can't. Let's just hope this therapy works" I tried to get her to calm down. She wasn't handling this well.

-the next day-

They hooked me up to some machines. They were trying to figure what still worked. Luckily enough of my nerves were working, so they didn't have to hook me up to a robotic arm.

Therapy went well. I have to keep working at moving my arms and my fingers. I have exercises I can do to help me. I just hope I get better soon.  One I can get up, and my arms start working again, I want to propose to Taylor. I still have the ring with me in its box. I'm determined to go back to the life I used to have, but I want it to be with Taylor.

Taylor came in today and helped me with my exercises. I feel like I'm straining myself too much, but it's worth it. Taylor does so much for me. I can't thank her enough.

~one month later~
It's been almost two months since the accident. I can lift arms a little bit now. It's all because I've been pushing myself. I can move my hands like I used to. I'm not quite able to bend my arms yet, but I'm getting there. I can't believe how long it's been. I have to keep pushing myself harder. They told me that I should be done with therapy in about two months. I'm just getting sick of this place. However, I did get moved to a different room the other day. It's a lot bigger so I have more room to move around. I can walk but I can't move my arms that much so it's kinda weird, and awkward.

Taylor stills visits me often. She baked me some her delicious homemade chocolate chips cookies the other day. They were amazing. It was the best thing I've eaten in a while. The food here kinda sucks...
But it's tolerable.

I really miss knowing that Taylor will be with me all the time, because she isn't anymore.
Taylor just walked into the room.
"Hey! I've got some great news for you Calvin!"
"TELL ME! TELL ME" I swear I'm very excited to hear whatever it is.
"So, you only have one more month, and then they are gonna let me take you home! Now, of course you are going to have to continue doing therapy and such.."
"UGHHH, I just want my old life back!" I cry out. I'm getting so stressed out from being in this hospital all the time.
"Look at the bright side, you get to see Meredith and Olivia, and you get to wake up next to me in the morning, and you won't be in the hospital for much longer. Calvin, I promise you, one month will pass by very quickly!" She kissed my forehead.
"I love you, but you need to get some rest. Your arm won't get better if you keep complaining about it"
"I'll try tay, I'll try. I love you too sweetheart!" I shout across the room, as she had to leave early today. She said something about taking the cats to the vet, I think.
God, I'm so blessed to have such an amazing girlfriend like Taylor. I feel like the luckiest guy in this hospital.

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