3. Date Night

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I walk downstairs in my black evening gown, that has a slit in the side of the skirt,making it easier to walk. And I there he is, standing at the bottom of the staircase,waiting for me, his jaw hanging low, and his eyes sparkling blue. He was wearing a white tuxedo, with a black button-down shirt underneath, and a white tie. He was holding a bouquet of red and white roses. I'm so nervous, I don't even know why. There's nothing for me to be worried about. So, why am I worried? I can already see that he's nervous, his hands are shaking ever so slightly but just enough for me to notice. He grabs my right hand as I reach the last step and helps me get off the steps. "Are those for me?" I ask him,blushing, and staring at the roses. "Of course" he says, and hands me the bouquet of roses.

I follow him outside, and find a stretch limousine sitting right in front of the driveway. He opens the side door, and allows me to enter the limo first. He enters right after I do, and sits down next to me. His hand brushes against mine, as he places it on my exposed thigh. I'm blushing, but at the same time, I begin to smile.

The ride didn't seem that long,when I'm with him nothing is boring,even though it was about an hour. "What are you doing?" I ask him, as he covers my eyes. I giggle,as he tells me,"You will have to wait and see" he says. He guides me inside of a noisy building, and he finally removes his hands. I immediately open my eyes, I recognize the restaurant we're at but, I just can't remember what I remember it from. He pulls out my chair for me, as I sit down I put the napkin on my lap and begin to look at the menu. There are so many options, and everything looks so good. I just decided to get whatever Calvin was getting.


We had a lovely time,the food was SO GOOD. I turn around, and look at the name of the restaurant as I sit in the limo. This is the same restaurant Calvin took me to for our first date. OH MY GOD. That's why he kept it a surprise, he probably didn't want me to know until afterwards for some reason.

Yawn. I'm so tired, I was up late last night and I couldn't sleep. I could've sworn I fell asleep in the limo. We make a stop, but Calvin tells me to wait inside the limo for a moment. So I do, and he comes back within less than twenty minutes. He sits down next to me, and I lean my head into his shoulder, and he stretches out his arm, and places it behind my neck as I doze off.

~On the way home~

Screeeeech. Crash. Beep beep beep. The smell of smoke fills my nose, and all I can hear is a siren blaring loudly into my ears. I open my eyes, my vision is blurred from being asleep. I look around for Calvin, I can't find him. "CALVIN!!!!!" I scream, but there's no response. "CAALLLLLVVVVVIIIIINN!" I scream even louder, I'm scared, where is he? What happened? I don't know what to do. I can't think straight, and I begin bawling my eyes out. I don't care if I'm injured I just need to know if he's alright.

"Miss Taylor, Calvin is alright he's in an ambulance on the way to the hospital but he's in good hands, I need you to calm down so we can assess your injuries" the EMT tells me. I begin to cry even more, "WHAT HE'S HURT?!" I yell out. I'm scared more than ever now. I don't care that I'm hurt I just need to find Calvin. I can't handle the pain, not just physically but knowing he's in pain just hurts me. "I don't care, I need to find him!" I tell the EMT. "Come on let's get you onto the gurney, so we can take you to the hospital" the EMT says. I nod my head, still sobbing. I wipe my tears, and realize my mascara and eyeliner are running down my cheeks. It doesn't really bother me. I know I'm a mess, but I just need to be with him and know he's ok.

I get on the gurney as they take me to the hospital in the ambulance. I feel an intense pain in the left side of my chest, and cry out in agony. Is my heart aching ? I'm having heart ache because he's injured. I can't handle this anymore I need to see him this instant. I'm so frazzled, and I look like a wreck, but if I just get the chance to see him, even just once, I'd be alright. I'd feel better.

*****thanks for 1K reads******

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