5. A tragedy now

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Calvin's POV
Where am I? What is going on?
I hear a familiar voice, it's a girl, she's sobbing. I can feel her hand gripping mine, I squeeze it. It has to be taylor. I thought, opening my eyes, slightly. I couldn't quite make out who it was, but I heard her say "I love you".
"I love you, too" I muttered.
Did something happen to me? Why is she crying? I couldn't keep my eyes open. But I knew it was her. I was hooked up to a ton of machines. I started to choke on the ventilater in my throat. Someone came in, I honk it was a nurse, and removed it. I felt like I could breathe on my own again. I was able to open my eyes, I didn't feel drowsy anymore.

I have bandages wrapped around my shoulders and arms, and gauze wrapped around my torso, and my back throbbing. What the hell happened to me? Did I really get beat up that badly? I open my eyes and look around for taylor, she isn't here anymore. Was I imagining things? No, I couldn't have been.

The nurse sees that I'm awake, rushing into my room.
"I see you're finally awake Mr.Wiles"
"Where's Taylor? I could've sworn I saw her earlier, was she in here at all?"
I'm shaking.
"She was in here earlier, do you want me to get her for you?"
"yes,that would be nice" I say hestitantly. I need to hear it from her, she has to know what happened by now.

A few moments later, Taylor comes in with a nurse. She was so happy to see me awake, I could tell by the size of her smile.

"Calvin! Oh my god. I'm so glad you're awake" her face was really red. I could tell she had been crying a lot.
"Taylor, what happened?" I asked her. I really didn't remember anything from that night.
"We, were in an accident. A truck hit the back of our limo, it was our anniversary that night. You got beat up pretty badly. But I'm glad you're alright now" she smiled at me. CRAP. I was going to propose that night. It was supposed to be a special night for us. It's my fault, I tried to surprise her. I wanted her to think dinner was over, I was going to bring her to the park. I had a whole gazebo set up, it was covered in roses, and I had hired someone to play violin in the background. That was such a waste of money. It's not like I can do anything about it now, but I'm really disappointed in myself. I mean I guess I can't REALLY blame myself. It wasn't my fault, it was that stupid truck driver. I hate for Taylor to see me like this, seeing me weak, and helpless. She didn't seem to be too injured, thankfully. I'd rather be hurt than let her be hurt. I can't stand seeing her hurt, it makes me so upset. I'm just glad she's alright. "Yea well, I guess I did get pretty banged up, huh?" Even though I knew what she was talking about, I couldn't think straight.
"I'm just glad you got off better than I did"

The next weekend~
They released Taylor a few days ago, but since my injuries were so bad they wanted to keep an eye on me. Taylor came and visited me everyday.
Today was different.

I wanted to hug her, but my arms hurt too much to move. She wrapped her arms, which were covered in stitches, around my torso. I tried to hug her back, but I could barely move my hands.

Taylor saw my hands weren't moving that much, and that I couldn't hug her back. She called for a nurse.
The nurse called in the neurosurgeon, who said I needed a CAT scan and an MRI. I don't know what those are, but they can't be good. "Taylor, just take me home, I'm fine"
"No, Calvin you aren't, the doctors think there is something wrong with your brain"
"What do you mean, Taylor I'm fine?!?!?"
"Calvin you aren't fine. YOU NEED TO STAY HERE. I can't let you leave."
"NO. Calvin I said no. You could have permanent nerve damage"
"Yeah, so you need to stay here. I'm sorry, I know you want to go home. I can't do anything else for you"
"Okay, okay. I guess I'll stay. But you will keep visiting me, right?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't I? Listen I need to go now, because visiting hours are over, but I'll be back tomorrow"
"Sounds good. I love you, Tay"
"I love you, too"
She hugged him, and left the hospital.






This Love Is Ours {tayvin/taylvin/talvin}Where stories live. Discover now