7. The moment I knew

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Taylor's POV
Calvin has gotten so much better lately. I'm sure he's excited to come home, I can just tell. He's smiling like an idiot and he is able to walk again and his arm is doing pretty well. He's been smiling at me the entire way home, like he wants to kiss me, but I have the feeling that he's afraid to use his arm. I'll just have to wait until we get home, I guess. Maybe he'll say something then.

Calvin's POV
I'm finally home. It looks so familiar yet at the same time I feel like something's missing. But the house smelt of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, which I'm assuming Taylor had just baked before she left. I've been waiting for the right time to propose to her. I was unable to move my arm for a long tie and I wasn't going to do it in the hospital. I wanted to do it when we got home after dinner that night that we got in the car crash, but that didn't happen. It would've been more magical, more eventful. But, knowing Taylor, she could care less how I propose to her. I'm not even sure is she's been suspecting it or not. I do hope she hasn't been thinking about it. I want it to be a surprise. I'm not gonna do it now, but maybe after dinner.

Obviously, I still can't cook, as my hand shakes and my arm trembles whenever I try to just pick up a pencil. I get nervous. I keep forgetting that my arm does work. I'm starving, as I can't wait for a real home cooked meal, as I haven't had any decent food in quite a long time. I could smell the sweet aroma of the pot roast that had just come out of the oven.

I found myself in the kitchen. I couldn't wait for dinner to be ready.


I wipe the crumbs off of mouth carefully. I've been moving my arm carefully. I'm afraid of straining a nerve or pulling a muscle, but I think I can handle the slight pain in my arm for now.
I had been waiting to kiss her again, and I found myself getting up and my right hand was on her cheek. I used my thumb to push the loose strands of hair behind her ear. She looked into my eyes, gazing longingly. I pulled her closer, and her lips brushed up against mine. I kissed her softly, I felt a spark. Like that spark you get when you first kiss someone. It was like I was falling in love with her all over again, playing back the memories in mind, of everything we'd been through. I parted my lips, and we were soon locking-lips like we had never kissed before. It was tingly, and it made me itch for more. I wanted more of her.
Shit. I almost forgot.

I pulled away. "I felt like I was falling in love with you all over again, throughout the entire kiss. It was so.... So.... Enchanting" I told her, making her cheeks light up to a bright pink. "It was lovely" she added.

Thoughts were racing through my mind. I was ready. I wanted to marry her right then and there, but we weren't even engaged yet. That was the moment I knew, that I had to get down on one knee and propose. I didn't care if it was private, or that I wasn't even dressed nicely at all. I sat down across from her, and grabbed her hands. I was going to ask her to marry me. I was more nervous than I had ever been about anything in my life.

"Taylor," I began," I remember when I first saw you, standing there. It was at the Brit awards. You looked so stunning, and I couldn't resist at least talking to you. I was enchanted to meet you. You are such a lovely young girl, and I love you with all my heart. I never thought we'd end up this way. I feel like I have been waiting forever and ever to finally find someone as fantastic and wonderful as you. I want you for worse or for Better, Taylor. I wouldn't want to have it any other way. So, with that..." I got up and dropped down on one knee. I reached in my back pants pocket where I had hidden a small velvet box. I brought it out. I held it in one hand, and began to utter the all too familiar statement, "Taylor Alison Swift, will you," I opened the box quickly, "...marry me?"
The box contained a small,thin, golden band with a slightly pink tinted 12-carat diamond in the center of it.
Taylor's hands were covering her mouth. She gasped. She was in utter shock.

Taylor's POV.
I cannot believe that he proposed. He just got out of the hospital today, and I'm surprised at how well he's doing and this... Well this was highly unexpected. The ring is absolutely gorgeous. As much as I love calvin, I don't know if I'm ready to settle down and get married any time soon.

Oh, what the hell. Why not? I mean he's such an incredible guy I have never loved anyone as much as I love him. I nodded my head up and down, my hand still covering my smile.
He slipped the ring onto my finger. It fit perfectly. It was more than an engagement ring to me, it was a promise. A promise that we will get married, and a promise that we love each other. A promise to stay together. Some people think that's what a weddin band is symbolic of, but wedding bands are more than any promise. It's a commitment.
I couldn't wait to tell lol of my friends. I was so happy. I stood up, and hugged him tightly, and I didn't want to let him go.


Sorry for not updating sooner I've been busy with school, and Instagram and my other stories. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm going to try to update sooner next time. Again, I'm sorry for the wait.

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