Eight 🌷

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As the day was about to meet its end, Debby had learned that the Ambassador Black was getting ready to announce the cancellation of the wedding

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As the day was about to meet its end, Debby had learned that the Ambassador Black was getting ready to announce the cancellation of the wedding. She had to hurry and get Tyler ready for his arrival.

As the sun began to set, a meeting was called, and Tyler was scurried away from his old life to a new identity.

When the meeting began, Ambassador Black announced his decision.

"It is official, then!" He said. "Due to the disappearance of the Prince, the wedding to Queen Jenna is canceled."

The Queen in disguise sighed with disappointment, and Queen Laura was at the brink of tears.

Brendon silently grinned and chuckled. He had succeeded in his plan.

Or so he thought.

When all hope seemed to have lost, Debby rushed into the throne room.

"Your Highness, wait!"

Queen Laura raised her head to the young girl.

"Yes, Debby?"

"May I present... Prince Joshua Dun."

Hearing her son's name, the Queen stood up.


Brendon gasped. He thought his plan worked, but Debby was able to outsmart him.

Quietly, as the room stood still, Tyler entered the throne room.

He had a nervous smile locked on his face, but he did his best to remain calm.

Queen Jenna, through her disguise, looked at the lovely boy, and was not disappointed.

However, as Tyler approached the Queen, he accidentally tripped and fell, but he got back up and composed himself.

"Joshua, come to me, my love."

Tyler stood face to face with the Queen, and gave her a hug.

"You're back! Where have you been?"

Debby quickly took the Queen's spectacles so she wouldn't be able to see clearly, thus not making the plan complicated.

"I'm sorry." Tyler said, as the Prince. "I should not have run away."

The Queen wasn't angry at her son. She took him into his arms; happy to see him again.

"Promise me you'll never do it again."

Tyler smiled and clenched his teeth. He was extremely worried about being found out, but just like what Debby taught him, he was doing exactly as Prince Joshua would've done.

Queen Jenna eyed the pretty prince, and she admired his beauty.

However, Ambassador Black was superstitious.

"I still think we should cancel the wedding."

When Queen Jenna heard this, she gave Black a very stern look, which caused him to get back to business.

"Yes, yes, but an agreement is an agreement." He said. "The wedding is back on! Queen Jenna is...is...is due tomorrow!"

"Wonderful!" Queen Laura exclaimed.

When Tyler heard this, he got nervous.

"Uh, tomorrow?"

"And then, only a few short days before the wedding..."

As the Queen tried to finish her thought, she noticed her spectacles were missing.

"Has anyone seen my spectacles?"

Brendon, however, was heavily suspicious on why his plan failed.

To recuse himself from the meeting, he looked to the Queen and the supposed Prince Joshua.

"If you'll excuse me. I must be off to see to the...arrangements."

"Of course, Brendon." Queen Laura replied.

As he walked out of the room, Tyler's cat, Jason, jumped in his way and growled at him.

"Aah!" Brendon cried.

He kicked the cat out of the way.

"Who the fuck let this mangey beast in here?!"

Sensing Brendon's behavior, and seeing as evidence of the real Prince's disappearance, Debby approached him.

"Everything alright, Brendon?"

"It soon will be, my dear."

The wicked man turned away and laughed as he walked out the door. However, as he did, something flew from the bottom of his shoe.

Jason quickly ran to sniff it, which made Debby suspicious.

"What have you got there, boy?"

Debby picked it up and sniffed it.

"From a silver fir tree."

It gave Debby a clue.

"What's Brendon doing in the Western Forest?"

The girl was determined to figure out the first clue to Prince Joshua's disappearance.

As she tried to follow Brendon, Queen Laura called to her.

"Debby, wait! I want to hear all about how you found Joshua."

She looked to her, just as nervous as Tyler was.

"Ah, of course, your majesty."

The Prince and the Pauper {Joshler}Where stories live. Discover now