13; rough day

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Summary; Liam had a rough day at school.

Liam was having a rough day at school; ever since Beacon Hills knows about the supernatural, he has been over flooded with questions, girls that want to date him just for the fun and danger of being with a werewolf, hunter kids that wanted to hurt him or show the school how dangerous and what a monster he is, or someone would ask for an autograph like he was some kind of celebrity. 

Lucky Scott and the older pack members. Liam thought to himself as he was again, irritated by some girl that tried to flirt with him. 

He sat down on one of the chairs in class, next to his best friend, Mason.

"Hey, Liam, how are you holding up?" He asked as he grabbed his books for math.

"I'm good, except for the girls trying to flirt with me." Liam said as he looked up at some girl in the front that was looking at him and winking while playing with her hair. She smiled flirtatiously at him, which made the boy grossed out. He glared and focused his gaze on Mason. "So annoying." He whispered with an eye roll. Mason just chuckled.

At lunch break, Liam wasn't lucky as he was surrounded by hunter kids, who had knifes in their hands. He looked around, afraid of what was about to happen, not to him but to the people that could be hurt by him because he could go out of control. One of the kids impaled a knife into his arm as another punched him in the face. 

He was getting hurt until Coach came to stop the kids. Liam was already healing but he was exhausted from trying not to shift in front of almost the whole school. He collapsed to the ground and fainted. 

He was brought to the hospital wing of the school. When he woke up he had a headache and he was unbelievably tired. So the nurse let him go home.  


"T, I'm home." Liam called with a tired sigh. 

Theo got off the couch and walked up to Liam. "Hey- are you okay?" He asked.

"I-I'm fine." Liam whispered with a break in his voice.

"Are you sure? you look like you're about to break down." Theo held Liam's upper arms and stroked them gently as he looked into the werewolf's blue eyes. Liam was trying not to shift but he was having a hard time, even though his anchor was right in front of him. The werewolf was trying not to glow his eyes but to no avail; "Li, what happened?"

"I just- I can't take it anymore!" Liam blurted out as he hugged Theo, burying his face in the Chimera's chest, he held him tight as Theo hugged him back.

"It's okay." Theo said as he heard sobs coming from the younger boy, his shirt getting wet from tears. 

"It's not okay, I can't deal with school anymore."

"And what if I came to school with you? protect you from everyone." Theo chuckled.

"No, it's fine. I'ma head to bed, I'm tired and the headache isn't helping much either." Liam broke away from the hug and held his head while walking up to his bedroom. 

Theo went to the kitchen to look for an aspirin and get some water for the younger boy.

"Hey, Li, I got you an aspirin and some water. Diner is ready in a few minutes." Theo said in a soft and concerned voice. He stood in the door opening. The Chimera looked at the exhausted boy, laying in bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Thanks... but I'm not really hungry, 'm sorry." He muttered, closing his eyes. Theo set down the water and pill on the bedside table. 

"It's okay, darling." The taller boy sat on the bed next to Liam. "You need anything?"

"Just your company." He looked at Theo with a weak smile and than layed his head in the other boy's lap. Theo stroked Liam's hair gently, hoping the boy would fall asleep. He looked terrible, so Theo wondered what Liam had to go through everyday...

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