Chapter 3

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Everyone sat around inside a hut as it poured rain outside. Tech was typing on his data pad, Wrecker was eating a lot of the food they brought out. Hunter was standing to the side near a chair they offered. He of course refused kindly. He was watching Omega talking to a child villager. They spoke of the empire and the farms. He would glance to Ivana every now and then. She still put him on edge. Ivana was sat on a bench just under a window. Her tail swayed gently as she watched. It looked disgusting outside. At least to most of them but to the Felucians it was beautiful.

Ivana's mood dropped. She hated the rain. Despised it, feared true storms the most. The storms that destroy everything it touches. The raging monsters in the sky. Ivana just watched, blinking as little as she can, staring at the rain. It wasn't a true storm that would knock her to her knees. But it was a storm nonetheless. "Ivana?" Omega said gently. Ivana hummed quietly. Hearing her footsteps coming towards her. "Are you okay? You haven't stopped staring at the rain since you got here." She said. She was now standing right beside her. She sighed gently. "Omega. Long ago I was once a child." She nodded. "Mhm! You told us." Ivana stayed silent for a second. "After I lost my family I was alone. For so so long. Trapped on planet after planet. No one wanted to help me..." She then turned to look at Omega. Omega noticed her sad expression. "When you see something so horrid it... It never leaves your mind. All I have seen growing up is murder and pain. All I dream is murder and pain. Hearing my parents call out for me." She then started to murmur. "That storm..." Omega didn't hear it though. "What did you say?" She asked to hear it again.

Ivana sighed shaking her head. "Nothing kid. It's nothing." Then she smiled at Omega. "Why don't we start talking about you, hmm? What was it like before the bad batch?" Omega seemed happy to explain. "Oh well I was an assistant for Nala Se. A Kaminoan scientist on Kamino. That was before order 66." Order 66? Ivana tilted her head slightly as she thought. 'Where have I heard that before?' She was stuck on it but went back to listening to Omega. "I was in danger but the batch came back and found me. Rescued me and took me away from there. They've protected me ever since."

She remembered Omega talking about how they'd narrowly escaped Crosshair and the Empire. How he refused to join back with them after the empire destroyed their home. The empire. The enemy to everyone. Even their own. Her tail hit the wall as if agitated. The empire must burn for what they've done. Now that she thinks about it... The people who destroyed her home. Her family. Must die. She wants to make them suffer. But she needs names first. How will she acquire them? Are they empire now? It's been so long. "-ello?" Ivana bit her lip. She'll kill them all. Something poked her side. Squealing in pain yanking their hand back. Ivana looked over quickly and saw Omega blowing on her hand.

Ivana looked panicked for a second. Quickly grabbing her hand. Omega expected another burn but felt nothing but skin. She looked shocked and intrigued. Ivana softly blowed on her skin. "I'm sorry." She mumbled. Omega stared in awe. Ivana's face held true concentration and sorrow. Soon Omega didn't feel pain. Just intrigue. "Ivana. Are you a Jedi?" Ivana suddenly looked up at her eyes. She scoffed slightly and pulled her hands away. "I'm sorry if I offen-" Ivana quickly lifted a hand. "Don't apologize. And no. I am not. But." She softly pet her cheek. "I am not a bad guy either. I'm just... Me. Normal, neutral, me." She pulled her hand away and Omega nodded. Then Ivana leaned in a bit. "Shhh." She put a finger up to her mouth. "You can't tell anyone about it okay? No one must know I have this ability." Omega looked confused but nodded. "My friends can help. They'll protect you." Ivana shook her head fast. "no. No no no. No one else must know. The less that know the safer I am." She glanced up at Tech. Her face scrunching up a bit. She could tell he was getting suspicious. Always the observant one.

Ivana blinked a bit before looking outside. An uncomfortable feeling taking hold of her body. Somebody was coming. Suddenly in the darkness of the storm she saw white. "Empire!" She shouted. That got everyone's attention. "We have to hide." The villagers started trying to hide them. Opening a basement trap door that was under the table under a rug made from grass. Everyone started going down.

"I'll stay up here." Hunter whipped his head around to Ivana mid descent. "No. That is not happening." She kneeled before him. "Trust me." He just stared at her then looked at the door. The footsteps getting closer. He then looked at her and nodded. They closed the door after him. "I'll return." She quickly runs into the restroom. Shutting the door as the front door received a knock. The mother opening the door. "Hello!" She said to him. "Hello ma'am. We're here to tell you that we are doing a final search through. Then an officer will come deliver further news afterwards." The clone told her. Soon Ivana walked out. But this time, she looked like a Felucian, just with yellow eyes and something like a bonnet on.

"That won't be necessary." Her voice sounded like she had the Felucian accent but sounded like an off worlder at the same time. "Ma'am. There is no choice here." She lifted her hand. Doing a small wave. "You have checked this hut. Nothing out of the ordinary." He stuttered a bit. "I... I have checked this hut... Nothing out of ordinary." He turned and walked out. Ivana shook a bit. She was so tired. Changing costs energy. She doesn't have much of that right now. Sleep and food and heat is what she needs. She has none of those three right now.

"An officer will be coming soon. You and your friends must go." Ivana nodded a bit but suddenly another clone walked in. "Apologies but we must check you folks chain code." Shiiiiit. She raised her hand again. "You don't nee-" He slowly reached for his weapon. "Ma'am. I will not ask again." He sounded suspicious of her. "Fuck it." She said. She stepped forward and pretended to pull a chain code from her back pocket but instead uses the force to reach deep into his mind. "You killed your friends. The people who trusted you. Feel their pain. Feel their death." Her voice echoes through his head. He gasped dropping his blaster. He knelt down holding his head. "What... Oh kriff... No... No no noooo." He sounded so depressed. "What have I done? What have we done?" She knelt before him. "You can still fix this." He looked up at her. She still looked so foreign but her eyes. Her eyes burned into him. "Who are you?" He asked quietly.

"A friend." He seemed satisfied with that. "I... I don't know what to do..." She nodded and stood. "Go. Try to free the others." He nodded and grabbed his blaster then left quickly. Turning around all the Felucians stared at her in shock and wonder. "A Jedi! Enolg you lie! She is a Jedi! Come to protect us again!" The mother cheered. "I'm sorry..." Hunter cracked open the trap door slightly to listen. "I'm no Jedi."

Bad batch x force sensitive OCWhere stories live. Discover now