Chapter 11

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Ivana ran as fast as she could. Just one thing. Just one good thing. Just one, god please! She couldn't save Omega and the boys practically saved themselves. She failed everyone and Cid got away. Hiding away in the darkness before they could even think about questioning her. But perhaps, there could be one good thing. She received a call from Phee. She had gotten to Tech but... He was hurt pretty bad.

Sliding to a door she slammed her palm against the sensor. It beeped and opened for her. Inside was two medic droids and Phee, standing to the side biting her nail. She stopped when she saw Ivana step in. Red and all. Her tail swiping quickly from the agitation. Her ears wilting in fear. "Is he? Will he?" She asked quickly. Stepping to Phee, wanting answers. The woman nodded. "He'll be fine. The droids are helping as much as they can and then he'll go in a bacta tank but they don't know the mental trauma it could cause to him once he wakes." Phee explained quickly. Ivana looked at Tech. Glancing at his face in between the two droids. His face looked in pain and shaking.

"The others..?" Phee asked. "They took Omega. The boys are hurt pretty bad. They won't be able to start an infiltration yet." Ivana told her. "But you're a Jedi! You can just break in and grab her right?" Phee asked with full confidence. Ivana looked down at her shaking hand. Claws out but not any of it looks dangerous. She looked more like a kicked puppy than anything.

"No. I'm not strong enough. I'm barely skilled in the force, I can't even connect to ha-" To stop her yelling, Phee gently touched her shoulders, forcing her to look at her. "But to break in and steal something wouldn't require a Jedi. What we need is a thief. A very skilled person in the art of stealth and assassination." Ivana deflated at the last word. "I'm not a killer." Phee suddenly shook her causing her to stutter on her breathing. "They kidnap Omega and attack you guys and all you have to say is you're not a killer? Man you've got no guts. The empire has won against you lot then if you just give up." Phee released her and shrugged.

"Phee. I don't want to stain the Tiefling's name any longer. We're already seen as evil things." Ivana grumbled. "Then show everyone you're not. Going against the terrible empire and rescuing a child is the most unevil thing you can do." She explained. "Phee I don't have a ship, a crew, or even a plan. Kriff we don't even know where she is!" She shouted annoyed. Phee huffed. "Then figure it out and, if you need a ship. You've got one here." She motioned to herself. "Phee you can't. You've got Pabu. They'll follow you back." Phee then nudged her. "Then we make sure they don't follow us. I'm the great liberator of lost treasure you know." She boasted. Ivana blanked at her and gave her a neutral look. "You're a pirate." Phee chuckled to herself.

"Also we'll have a crew. First things first though. You have a certain trandoshan to find." Phee then turned back to Tech. "He'll be safe here. No one will come for him here." Ivana nodded and walked out. Once the door slid closed, anger filled her body. Anger and hatred. She trusted that damned woman. How dare she?!

Ivana closed her eyes and cleared her mind. 'Where are you?!' Her mind practically shouted. Her mind flashed through different images, different flashes. Roads, and buildings, and fields. Nothing nothing nothing. Nothing until she gets to the house of Millegi. The man they met when racing. Tech explained THOROUGHLY about what happened. He had thought she never listened but she did. It's good to know what's going on in the world. Even Tech can hear some juicy gossip.

A dark smirk taking her face as her eyes squinted a bit. Her pupil sharpening and her nostrils flaring. Her skin heating up so much water would sizzle upon impact. Turning, she walked down. Lights flickering as she passed by them but not enough to break them.

*Time skip*

It was a big building. Loud music playing inside as lights flashed and switched. Must be a party. She licked her lips as she thought of what fun this would be. What torture could she think of for the wretched lizard. She ran forward quickly and jumped up the wall. Her claws digging in and helping her scale the wall to the yard. Almost slithering over the top like a snake. Guards walking by not even noticing her tail right behind her.

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