Chapter 9

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"I have found some information. Strangely enough they didn't put any type of security on it." They were on Ord Mantell. Ivana was asleep on the ship still as everyone was in Cid's office. Including Cid herself. Of course she wasn't gonna let them use her office without her in it. Tech nodded to Echo. Echo stepped forward and inserted his scomp arm into the table and a hologram popped up. An image of a green planet with beautiful bright blue water with both dark and bright red clouds popped up. "This is Tevuflar many years ago before the war had even started. This was during the war between the Jedi and people called the  Nihil." Tech explained. He nodded to Echo and Echo spun the link again. The image changed to a planet that looked dark red all over. All you can see are clouds.

The feeling in the room changed. It felt more sad and upset. "This is Tevuflar now. After being destroyed. It is said to be uninhabitable now. The air now non existent. But with proper protection you can travel the surface." Tech explained. "I scanned through every documentation. And yet to have found any evidence of Tiefling occupations." Tech explained. "So... People can just go on to the planet and take what they want?" Wrecker asked. He sounded sad. Anyone would be sad if they found out people were taking things from their home.

"Yes. I haven't found who yet. That part is even more difficult. But searching through old Jedi files I have found evidence of a Tiefling Jedi. Long ago there was a jedi That went by the name of Luv Adverk. She was in charge of some type of archives before it was destroyed in an attack. Although many of the structures fell it still stands to this day. Perhaps with some books remaining." Tech explained. Seeming fascinated by hearing it all over again.

"Hmm. Do we have a way to this planet?" Hunter asked. "Indeed. It will take some time but it is accessable. I am unable to tell if the Empire is there but if it was left alone during the war then it should still be abandoned." Tech explained. "We can't leave anything to chance. Ivana deserves to see it. Seeing as how she could be the last. In a galaxy this big anything could be a possibility." Hunter glanced to the door. As if thinking about Ivana. Which he was. Despite losing Crosshair. After everything. He could never truly feel what she feels. Being the last of her existing species.

"Well. Guess we're in luck. Got a mission for you boys." Cid walked to her desk. Echo pulled away from the table causing the hologram to disappear. "Cid. I'm not sure this is wise." Hunter said. "Doesn't matter. Mission is on Ajan Kloss." Techs head snapped to her. "That's where the supposed library is located at." He explained. "Yep. While you're doing the job you can check out that place." She tossed a card to Hunter. He caught it and sighed. Nodding. "Of course. You have anything else you should say? Anything that we NEED to know about?" Hunter asked. Not wanting to go in blind again. She shrugged. "No, now get out of here! Treating my office like a damned clubhouse. Kicking you out." She said huffing. Hunter squinted at her slightly before turning and leaving.

Cid sighed scratching the back of her neck. "Hopefully she will stop asking now." She mumbled.

Hunter climbed on to the ship. Tech already putting the coordinates in. Wrecker flexing his muscles lifting Gonky. Echo deciding to come with since Rex was busy with something else. Hunter tossed the chip to Echo to start looking through it as Omega sat on on a chair. Spinning slightly. "What's a Nihil?" She asked curiously remembering Tech mention it in the briefing.

"They were practically pirates that killed anyone and anything that stood in their way. Fortunately a majority of them died long ago during the days of the high republic. Those who remain are just low life pirate scum of descendants." Tech explained as they finally set off. "Oh." Omega said.

Feeling the ships movement and weight change, Ivana had woken up. Sitting up and rubbing her eyes. Her body still felt majorly tired but nothing she couldn't handle. Climbing off the bunk she walked off and into the main part of the ship where everyone was. "Hey." Ivana mumbled. Eyes turned to her. Her skin had turned to its original color of red and her horns full grown. Her ears had wilted as her eyes looked slightly teary from her tiredness. She tilted her head slightly as her tail swayed. "We have another mission?" She muttered knowing Hunter can hear her anyways. "Yes. You should rest some more. You need your energy back." Hunter almost sounded worried!?

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