Chapter 1

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The team as usual was talking and laughing  with each other then Buck walked in and they all stopped. Buck went inside the dressing room and gear up. He is only allowed on 1 called, sometimes more if they need all hands on deck. As he was about to sit down, the bell rung.

Inside the truck was absolute silent, so Bobby decided to break the ice. "What are you guys doing this weekend?" He asked hoping that it will work. "I'm taking Chris to the park and most likely going to try to help with his homework, if he have any." Eddie responded first. "Spend time with Karen and the kids. Don't know what exactly are we doing to do though." Hen answered. "Probably nothing since I will be alone anyway." Chimney replied. They can hear the sadness in his voice.

Maddie had broken up with him 3 years ago, tired of the way he and the team was treating her baby brother. Of course Chimney had understood that obviously that was bound to happen but he was still upset about it. Maddie was also upset but she rather be upset than to date a guy who doesn't like Buck, she will not make that mistake again like she did with Doug even if Chimney isn't like Doug all the way.

Buck didn't say anything for 2 reasons, 1) he knew that Bobby wasn't talking to him anyway and 2) he don't talk anymore. 2 years ago Buck became selective mute, Maddie ended up teaching him ASL so that he can still communicate with her and people in general.

They made it to the called and Bobby ordered everyone what to do and how to do it. Once they did that, Bobby told paramedics that they need to get the people to the hospital immediately or else they will passed away. The paramedics had listen and did exactly that.

~Back to the Station~

When they get back Bobby had started cooking for the team (except Buck). Buck didn't care anymore about that because he used to it and he also had stop eating too, which Buck eventually had cause him to have an eating disorder. Because of this, Maddie didn't want to force him to eat, so instead she asked that he eat as much as he can even if just a salad and that if he doesn't eat then at least drink some water so that he will still be good.

Eventually, Athena, Michael, Karen and Maddie came in. Michael, Athena and Karen were all mad at Buck too for the law suit so they ignored him as well. Maddie had came because she needed to talked to Buck. "What are you guys doing here?" Chimney asked. "To invite you guys to our Thanksgiving party at me and Bobby's house." Athena replied back, which they all said that they will go.

Bobby looked at Maddie who was looking around. "Buck!!" Bobby yelled to get his attention, Buck came from the back and Bobby pointed to Maddie. Maddie thanks Bobby for that who just gave a half smile in return. Maddie went up to Buck and hugged him. "So, tomorrow I was wondering what do you want to do?" She asked.

"Are Sue and Josh coming?" Buck asked, which Maddie shooked her head no. "Sue is hanging out with her husband family this year and Josh will be meeting his boyfriend family tomorrow." Maddie responded back. "Ok, since today is Friday why don't we go to Texas. We haven't seen Owen and T.K Strand in a long time. I'm pretty sure T.K have a boyfriend too name Carlos Reyes."

This make Maddie scream loudly and jump up & down. "OH MY GOD!! YOU'RE RIGHT, WE HAVEN'T SEEN THEM IN A LONG TIME. I'M GOING TO GO CALLED THEM RIGHT NOW AND TELL THEM ABOUT IT." Maddie excitedly says as she ran out. Buck couldn't help but smile at his sister excitement.

~Time Skip~

Buck and Maddie had arrived to Texas, and Maddie was still bouncing with excitement. Eventually they seen Owen and TK, Maddie ran up to them and hugged them. Buck came and did the same thing. Owen is letting them stay at his house since he have more room there.

Once they dropped off the stuff, they went to the firehouse where everyone was at. Carlos went up to his boyfriend and greeted him. "Hey Babe, who are they?" He asked pointing to Maddie and Buck. Owen and TK gotten everyone else attention too.

"Guys, these are the Buckley siblings. This is Evan, but he goes by Buck and this is Madeline and she goes by Maddie. I had tooked some care of them whenever their parents couldn't." Owen introduced and explained to everyone. Then he introduced them to Buck & Maddie as well.

They all greeted each other too. "So, how do you get Buck from Evan and why did you called yourself that?" Mateo asked which everyone else about to asked too. Maddie got out Buck whiteboard for him, so he starts writing. 'Well I don't get it from Evan, I got it from my last name Buck-ley. When I first arrive at the fire station, their were a guy name Evan so I started go by Buck.'

"Oh ok." Mateo say back. Now their were intrigued by the station. "What station are you?" Judd asked. 'The 118 in L.A.' Buck replied back. "What do you do Maddie?" Tommy asked. "I'm a 9-1-1 dispatcher and I used to be a nurse too." She answered back. Grace immediately got happy at that. "Omg I'm a 911 dispatcher too." She says happily.

"What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving tomorrow?" Paul asked. Maddie and Buck looked each other before answering. "Actually that why we are here. We were hoping to have Thanksgiving with Owen, TK and whoever is else there." Maddie explains. "Of course, you guys are family. We loves to have you. Maddie maybe you can help Tommy and Grace cooked if you want too." Owen stated which made Maddie and Buck happy, and Maddie said that she will help cook.

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