Chapter 9

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Eventually Paul finally said something. "Wow, Maddie um I-I don't what to say but I'm glad I met you. Buck did tell me that you aren't like that and when I told everyone else Carlos and them also agreed with him. Mads a lot of people always leave when they find out I'm Trans, so I'm really happy that you still like me."

Maddie kiss Paul on the cheek then grabbed his hand and they went back into the living room. "OMG, FIRST BUCK WITH RICK AND NOW MADDIE AND PAUL. CAN THIS GET ANY BETTER." Nancy yelled. "Nancy calm down. Anyway Buck,Rick, Maddie and Paul we're all happy for you guys whether or not yall are official, we all know that you guys will be soon." Tommy said.

"I told you Paul, Maddie will be there for you. Just make my sister happy and don't hurt her." Buck explains. "Since we're threatening here, Rick my little happy and don't hurt him or else I will have Carlos hunt you down and I will hurt you." Maddie warned. "MADDIE. You didn't have to had those parts too." Buck replied.

"This's what she said yesterday, didn't think she was actually going to say this to him." Mateo said as everyone just stared at the 3 of them, mostly Maddie. "Remind me to never get on Maddie bad side." Grace said laughing as everyone started too. "Don't worry Maddie, I won't dare hurt your little brother." Rick finally responded.

"Good." She replied back sitting down. Then they all decided to put on a movie but couldn't pick which movie. "Why not a scary movie? Like Halloween or the original IT." Tk asked/suggested. So, they all debated on which movie to watch and the original IT won. The couples all sat together while Tommy and Owen sat next together and Marjan sat by herself.

The doorbell had rang and everyone but Owen was confused. Owen had opened it and grabbed the pizza, then gave him the money and thanks him. "Dad, when did you order pizza?" Tk asked confused. "Um, while everyone was arguing about the movie. There are a lot of people here, and I know nobody was going to want to cook." Owen explained as he put the pizza down on the kitchen table, as long with the sodas too.

The team was all at the station already talking to one another while they wait for an called. "So Paul, can you tell us everything about how it went with Maddie?" Buck asked smirking as Paul started immediately blushing. "Yea Paul, tell us please?" Judd asked, then everyone else as well.

So, Paul eventually explained what happened between him and Maddie. The team was so happy for Paul, they had all seen the happiness fade away everytime he goes through that, everyone woman telling him the same thing. It obviously get tiring and annoying, pretending not to care about or let it affect you. "I'm so happy, I can tell Maddie really cared about you, when she broke down in front of me and Nancy about you. We both knew right then and there that when Maddie finds out, she wouldn't care." Marjan stated excitedly for him.

"Well, from what you went through and what Maddie went through, I'm glad you two found each other. You know in a way, I'm actually started to be ok with the fact of what they did to me because it led us to you guys, Maddie to you and me to Rick." Buck explains as he looked at them with happiness and tears in his eyes.

However, he isn't the only one, everyone as tears in their eyes too. "Buck, we're glad to called you guys our family and we are happy yall were led to us. We are even more glad that Owen and Tk are here too, you two just keep giving us more reason to like you guys." Judd says as he hugged both of his little brothers. Then they all hugged each other too.

"I'm sorry for about to ruin the moment but what do you mean about what you said with me and my dad?" Tk asked. Judd chuckled at Tk slowness. "Because if it weren't for you guys coming out here, Buck and Maddie would have went to New York with you guys since they came here for you guys anyway. So, because of you two, we got to meet the both of them." He explains and this time Tk got it.

Then the bell rung, and it was time to go on a called. When Grace and Maddie got the called, they immediately started panicking and they knew Tk was going to be panicking too. Owen and everyone got the called and Tk was freaking out. "Tk sweetie, Carlos is going to be fine." Tommy said trying to calmed him down.

The police station had gotten attacked by a few bombs, some of them made it outside while the others are stuck inside, one of them being Carlos. When they got there, Tk was about to run in but got stopped by Judd and Owen. "Tk son, looked at me. You're a paramedics, you have to help everyone at here. We have this, we will save Carlos." Owen stated as he hugged his son.

Tk tooked a deep breathe and turned to his Captain. "What do you want us to do first Captain?" He asked Tommy. "Checked for injuries, and help them first. Also, give out water because it most likely they are going to need it." She answered. The firefighters all had went in already. They grabbed and help everyone they can while putting out the fire too. Owen started looking for Carlos but couldn't find him.

"Captain Strand, any luck on Carlos?" Paul asked. Owen replied back no, he still find him. Tk really started to worry, Judd held onto to him so that he wouldn't try to go in himself. Buck started looking around for Carlos but also couldn't find him. He knew there was only one thing to do. "CARLOS! CARLOS, CAN YOU HERE ME?" He asked yelling.

Carlos was stuck inside somewhere, he then heard a voice he didn't recognize. At first he thought he was in trouble until he kept listening. "CARLOS, TK IS WORRY ABOUT YOU. TRY TO HOLD THROUGH. I'M COMING FOR YOU." Buck shouted again. 'Is that Buck?' Carlos thought to himself. "BUCK, BUCK IS THAT YOU?" He finally asked taking the risk even if it not him.

"YES IT'S ME, WHERE ARE YOU?" Carlos looked around but it was to dark for him to see. "I DON'T KNOW, IT'S TO DARK. HOWEVER, I DO REMEMBER THAT I WAS  NEARS THE STAIRS." Carlos replied back hoping that Buck will find him. Buck did see the stairs and ran over there and started helping Carlos.

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