06| Force Ripe

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"A wah kinda nastiness dis." Every day a sumn else wid Delano.

Mi, Kayla and Nicoy seh wi aguh a Starbucks and him seh him a come wid we right. Now this man falla mi and order the waa oreo milkshake and now him a seh it taste bad.

"Delano yuh cya have likkle decorum?" Eh bwoi seh it right infront a d oman wah mek it to enu.

"A wah kinda fkry this yuh mek mi spend mi $1000 pon?" Mi know eh oman feel a way but a suh eh likkle dogshit stay.

Mi collect mi change and pull him guh ova eh table wah Abby and Nicoy get fi all a we.

"Mi did tell yuh fi get waa refresher but yuh js nuff." Mi nuh know weh mi get him from inu but mi go return him.

"Mek mi taste fi yuh."

"Delano a eh same thing it nah guh mek no difference." Mi convince seh a one braincell him ave enu.

"Just mek mi taste eh nuh." Mi dvn get fi snap mi sumn yet and eh fucka wah come drink eh out.

Mi gi him my drink and js affi shake mi head while Kayla she nuh stop lawf afta mi.

"Fi yuh one taste betta, switch wid mi." Yk seh mi cya badda tho, mi dvn aguh quarrel wid him.

"Eh two unu come like waa married couple." Eh damn ugly bwoi a come rub mi dung.

"A cause we soon married man." Him kiss mi pon mi cheek, mi cya stay upset wid him mi nah lie.

"Mi diskike yuh."

"No, yuh love mi."


School just ova and mi and Kayla deh a bathroom, waa set a girl in yah a pree we certain type a way but mi go ignore it.

We a fix back we hair and pretty up. Mi anu dolly inu gize but mi naa leff school look certain way.

As we a walk out the same set a girls dem come line out a d doorway like ants.

"Ey girl a you name Abigail?" Waa short brown one ask mi.

A three a dem, the brown one she kinda thick, and two skinny black one. A me dem girl yah come bout.

"Yeah, nd wah?" Eh same girl a come look mi up and down like she a look fight suh mi mek sure put dung my bag caz if a dirt a dirt.

"Mi aguh waa yuh leff Pablo alone, a mi first did like him." A wahm to dah likkle batter ears gyal yah man?

"Nuh like grade 8 yuh inna likkle girl?" Caz she naav no stripe pon ar tie suh a affi lower school she deh.

"Grade 9 mi inna but, nuh worry feel seh because yah upper school girl mi fraid a yuh." Mi and Kayla start lawf caz mumma deven reach mi height but she waa come look fight wid mi.

"Ere wah nuh likkle girl, mi nah fight yuh ova no man suh tek up yuh sumn dem and come gwaan home." Mi tek up back mi bag fi come outta the bathroom, ask if dis likkle pissytail gyal nuh drag mi hair wah inna waa slick back.

Mi tun roun and gi ar waa bax and she drop and ar next two fren dem a behave like dem waa come gang mi, but Kayla just dealid dem.

Waa camera deh inna the bathroom inu suh mk mi name aguh call ah office but mi nuh give a fk caz she too brite.

"Any day yuh smell yuhself agn, mi personally go find yuh yaad and come fk yuh up yer." That's all mi seh and come out.

Likkle eediat gyal dem force ripe yf and a really Pablo she waa come fight mi ova? Mi nuh know if she feel seh because mi chill and nuh chubble people mean seh mi cya defend miself.

Gyal dem stink and brite.

We walk outta eh gate and see Pablo and Nicoy stand up pon eh hill a wait pon wi.

"A wah do yuh?" Pablo ask mi, seeing seh mi upset.

"Nuh wrry bout eh mi good." Mi nuh waa tell him caz mi nuh waa this escalate more than it need to.

"Abby, if a nun yk seh mi wi dealid ih." Mi hug him and tell him seh mi good and we start walk gah park.

Like my madda tek it turn habit fi stop pick mi up afta school.

Mi know fi a fact seh tmrw a straight a VP mi a guh but mi naa stand up and mek nuh gyal clown mi out. If dem suspend mi a just likkle free holiday.

We reach a park and no taxi nuh deh yah but unu guess a who mi see. Big mouth, suck hood Makeda. A mi she a walk come to?

"Abigail Brown, a wah mi a ere seh yuh do to mi sista?"

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