08| Complicated

801 66 2


Afta wah gwaan wid eh whole Makeda situation mi tek a lil break from school. Nun nah really gwaan rn we jussa study fi we end of years suh mi nuh really affi guh.

Delano kinda still up inna him feelings but him a talk to mi now. Todeh him a tell mi seh him waa mi fi meet him parents.

Gize mi seh mi nervous. Caz what if mi seh sumn wrong and den dem nuh like mi. Mi deven knw wa fi wear.

Mi cya wear waa short shorts caz dt a show too much skin, but if mi wear waa dress mio look too uptown. Help!

Mi end up settle pon waa royal blue crop top and some ripped jeans and mi dutty airforce dem. Doe ask mi why dem nuh wash, mi cya badda.

"Yeah mi ready." Him seh fi call him wen mi ready and him go come pick mi up. Ofcourse my madda deh a work caz if she did eva knw boh dis she lick mi dung.

Mi walk guh outta the gate and close eh grill same time mi see Delano pull up. Him window dem roll down and him look kinda upset. Mi use to him fi ave dis big ole grin pon him face suh wen him upset mi know.

"A wah duh yuh?" Mi ask upon entering the car.

Him nuh ansa him js roll up the window dem and turn on eh AC.

"Delano yuh nuh ere mi a talk to yuh?" Mi know fi a fact seh we naav nun apart from wah gwaan weh day but no way him still vex boh tht.

Deven music him naa play suh mi know sumn up fi real.

"Watch how yuh talk to mi ppl dem caz dem nuh nice." Den a wah d bloodclaat dis?

Man a talk like a carry him a carry mi guh meet some gunman. Mi careless wid mi life inu but nuh suh. Naa play no hero caz mi anu Superman.

"Weh we a guh Delano?" Normally wen we a guh out him have on like js jeans and waa shirt but today him fully dress up like we aguh a waa fancy dinner or sumn.

We drove in silence until we reach a waa big house, him pull inna eh driveway and we come out. The house white and it surrounded by some tall walls. Look like one a dem rich smaddy house deh fra inna show.

At the gate two shine head man qid some big beard stand up pon either side. The gate open like it automatic and we walk guh in. Marble tiles are in the middle of a freshly cut lawn and a beautiful fountain.

"Remember wa mi seh." Delano finally hold mi hand and we walk guh inside a d house. Mi did think the outside pretty but eh inside even better. Eh place stay good mi nah tell no lie.

We walk to the kitchen where the table full wid food. Mi love mi belly inu but anu everbody mi aguh eat from. If mi nuh knw yuh like tht nuh offer mi nun.

At the end a the table waa brown man next to white sit down. Him look just like Delano suh a affi him fada dat. Den beside him waa darkskin middle aged lady with curly hair sit down wid waa warm smile pon ar face. The final person a waa other ute him look older than Delano but not like 30 or nun bout like 21 sum weh deh suh. Him have some tattoo pon him hand dem and him hair inna cornrows. Ih man fine but mi ave a man suh mek mi calm miself.

His mother call me fi come sit beside a ar so I do and already it look like wi aguh get along... Him fada on the other hand a gimi some bad yiy like him think a sumn mi come fi theif.

"So Abby tell us about yourself." Delano mada seh nd everybody eyes turn pon me.

A wonda if dah lady yah knw seh mi have anxiety.

"Well I'm 17 and in grade 11. When I leave school I want to go to CMU and study to become a Marine Biologist." Him mada gimi a satisfied smile and mi hear him fada mumble sumn bout 'atleast she have ambition'.

"So a you mek Delano cya sleep anight time?" His brother asks and I smile  caz mi neva know how fi respond.

"Him tell yuh seh him a leff next week right?"

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