11| Babies and Bottles

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No, no, no dis cya right. Mek mi tek waa next one caz like dis nah work good.

Bloodclaat dwq. Wah mi aguh do?!


"Yea Kayla, yuh okay?"

"Mi pregnant."


She run come inna eh bathroom and hug mi up and mi just immediately start bawl. Wah mi aguh do, mi not even know how mi aguh tell Nicoy.

Chu bomboclaat man.

"Yuh tell Nicoy?" What if him cuss? Or him seh him nuh waa no pikney?

"no, how mi aguh tell him Abby?" Mi hear she sigh and tek up ar phone.

"Yuh waa mi call him fi come ova yah?" Right now that soun like eh best option caz mi head dvn a work.

Mi hear she guh out guh mek a phone call and shortly afta we hear Nicoy car pull up. Mi madda already know seh mi and him deh caz mi nuh really keep nun frm ar. She and him come lile bench and batty.

But mnk how she aguh react to the fact seh mi pregnant yea a mi last year a high school and mi get all a mi subject dem but mi still waa guh college and thing.

"Kayla, a wahm yuh good?" Him lock eh door wen him come inna eh bathroom and mi in deh a walk roun like mi mad.

"Kimora Henry, yuh nuh ere mi a talk to yuh?" When him call mi by mi full name eh thing srs fi chu.

Him look inna eh sink and see eh positive pregnancy test. Him not even seh nun him just come hug mi up. Mi couldn't wull it mi just start bawl. Mi know issa good man mi tek up innu.

"Wah we aguh do?" Him ask mi afta mi calm dung.

"Mi want yuh keep eh but if yuh nuh waa keep ih mi nah guh force yuh caz mi know yuh still waa guh college. Yuh tell mummy?" Bro I love my man so much.

"Mio tell ar lata and ye mi think mi waa keep eh" Him hug mi even tighter and kiss mi forhead before we come outta eh bathroom.

"Oh caz if yuh did pull no wasteman style a fuck mi did a guh fuck yuh up in yah." Abby naav no chill inu.

She come hug mi up and start rub dung mi belly even though eh baby goodly dvn form yet.

"Carry eh baby fimi n yuh" Watch yah now

"A hope wen mi call yuh fi come shave mi front yuh come dweet inu" Nicoy mek up him face afta we

"Yuh know seh mia battygyal from long time suh tht a easy thing fimi."



Afta mi find out bout Kayla situation that mek mi fraid bro, caz mi know fi a fact my madda woulda kill mi blctt.

Obviously no mother nuh waa dem teen daughter fi get pregnant but mine woulda extra harsh pon mi caz she dvn knw she mi hv a man.

Right now mi a get ready fi guh a Delano leaving party. Kayla nah come because Nicoy seh she a mother now nuh more road till eh baby born. Mi dvn a lawf.

Mi a wear waa simple lil black dress some heels and jewelry. Now a just fimi fight dah hair yah fi guh inna waa slick back.

It betta keep whole night inu caz mi nuh inna it. Nun mi hate more than wen mi hair look messy.

Delano a leave inna like 2 days a now mi really jussa medz seh mi nah guh see him fi waa rlly long time. If mi think bout eh mi aguh bawl suh mio just enjoy ih likkle time wah mi have leff wid him suh that wen him gone mi still hv memories.

Him come pick mi up and we drive guh back to fi him house weh waa good amount a people deh. Not alot but I guess people wah him close wid.

We walk guh in and we guh sidung wid him fren dem.

"Buh yuh coulda get pretty girl like dis too?" One a him fren dem seh and him gi him middle finger.

Dvn too know nobody right yah suh caz most a dem ppl yah a Nicoy fren dem.

Mi lay down pon Delano shoulder and him turn roun and kiss mi. Mi see waa flash shine pon mi like smaddy a tek waa pic a mi.

Wen mi look unu guess which bloodclaat dat mi see. A wah mi do inna life fi deserve dem sumn yah?

Big bombohole Makeda.

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