10|Mark Mhi Property

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It's been a good week since mi meet Delano parents. Him fada actually nuh dat bad, him did jus a gwaan suh because him neva too know mi.

Delano a leave inna waa week, and mi feel like bawl caz him nuh sure how long him aguh gone fah n god know mi nah guh survive without mi man.

Yes mia manclown n wa? Idc.

Him plan fi have waa likkle party before him liff up suh everybody aguh pull up and we aguh wulla vibe and have fun.

Right now mi deh home a install waa wig fi Kayla. Mi a bad hairstylist inu gize, wah unu know bout?

"If yuh bun mi wid dah hotcomb deh Abby, a swr mia fk yuh up ova yah." She a gwaan like mi anu professional hairstylist.

"Just easy and mek mi duh mi thing nuh likkle girl chru." Mi nah mek nuh promises inu if eh hot comb bun ar a mistake.

Mummy gone a work, even though issa Saturday and she normally off pon a Saturday but dem short staffed suh she affi guh help out.

"Abby Delano seh if yuh waa kfc?" And dis is why me love my mann!

"Yea tell him seh mi want waa zinger box" Zinger box a the best thing pon kfc menu and unu cya tell mi nun.

"Yuh love yuh belly inu gyal." Mi hear Delano seh ova eh phone, anu lie, to how mi can eat yuh think mi woulda big n fat.

"Food good fi eh dolly body." Kayla seh back, dhat mi know!


"Come mi do yuh edges nuh." Mi finish Kayla hair and Nicoy come pick ar up suh rn a js me and Delano deh inna mi room.

"Proper clown yuh tek mi fah mi seet." Mi sidung pon him wid eh edge brush inna mi hand n eh gel and him js nah bill.

"Come nuh mio mek yuh look pretty" Him wull mi two hand dem and a try tek the edge brush outta mi hand.

"Wah yuh nuh guh mek edges wid eh hair hair pon yuh front?" A who raise dah bwoi yah?

"Who tell yuh seh maav hair pon mi front?"

"Mek mi seet" yuh know seh mi cya badda tho

"Delano move!" Mi a try get up offa him but him still wull on pon mi till him flip we suh him deh pon top and mi deh unda him.

"Jus mek mi see nuh." A wonda if dah bwoi yah knw seh mi very easily excited.

"please" woii mi bodyyyy!!

We deh fi like 3 months now if mi fling eh pon him nun nuh wrong right?

But den again mi salt like sea wata next thing we guh start fuck and a my madda dat fawud een or mi guh breed.

"we cya really do dat rn." Even though I really want to, mi affi restrain miself.

Him start kiss mi neck and it come like mi body ketch a fiyah. A bout afta 6 yah now suh outside dark and den mi room lock up suh unu suppose to know how e vibe set.

All mi know mi waa fuck right noww. Unu memba seh mi seh mi salt nuh blct dont? Why mi hear mi madda car and now eh gate a open.

"mi madda deh outta gate." Mi seh, mi a panic yes but dah bwoy yah a mek mi feel some things deh, mi nah think straight.

"mi a mark mi property Abby, mi nuh bizniz, just keep quiet." Him grab mi throat and continue a kiss mi neck and mi brain just stop function.

If mummy come ketch him in yah a suh eh guh. Mi wrap mi leg dem roun him waist just because mi waa feel him body pon mine.

"Abby?" Mi ere mi madda seh but mi door lock.

Now mi ave two options mi can pretend like mia sleep or mi can ansa and tell ar seh mi deh pon a meeting fi school. Mi sound like mi a bad pikney don't guys.

"ansa yuh madda nuh Abby." Him hand leff from mi neck and reach dung inna mi shorts and mi a tell yuh seh mi figet how fi breathe.

A waa whole waterpark between mi legs dem rn and mi naa tell no lie.

"Deh inna waa meeting mummy!" Mi shout and cover mi mouth wen mi feel him finger slip in.

"mek noise fimi nuh." Woiii mi belly, unu come fi dah bwoi yah nuh please!

"Oh alr baby, mia guh sleep okay" Mi dvn coulda ansa again mi poor leg dem a shake like a seh mi a have seizure.

Some noise wah mi neva know seh coulda leff mi mouth a leff mi mouth and dis bwoi a come laugh like him nuh see seh dah situation yah risky yf.

Him leff mi neck and start kiss mi and a deh suh it done. Know like wen yuh tek a big draw a waa spliff and yuh feel ih wulla it inna yuh head a suh mi feel right now. Mi body feel heavy and mi just waa sleep.

Mi feel him tek out him finger and tek mi up and carry mi guh inna eh bathroom. If mi love mi man one more time!

Afta him done wash mi off him tek mi up and find clothes fimi and put dem on.

"Yuh alr baby?" Him ask mi and come lay down with me.

"Mhm" Him hug mi up and a rub mi back.

"Mi love yuh inu likkle girl" Mi heart bro.

"I love you too."

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