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Zoro and I lay inside the boat sleeping while Nami tried to open a safe

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Zoro and I lay inside the boat sleeping while Nami tried to open a safe. Due to my deep sleep I didn't notice much.

"Misty, MISTY, wake up." someone shook me awake. I opened my eyes. It was almost completely dark around us. "Where are we?" I asked while stretching. Zoro looked outside, well as far as he could. "It seems the Navy got us," he said. Unnoticed by the others, I went into my 'shadow run' and disappeared from the box. In the shadow of this place, I looked around. It was a kind of circus tent in which every spectator was tied at the feet and wept. I wish I could help them, but I wasn't sure who we were dealing with yet. The box in the middle of the arena was opened and Luffy, Nami, and Zoro stepped out. Luffy whispered something to them, which I didn't understand. "NO, NO, NO! Stop clapping! No, stop! It's all wrong! The spotlight was late. You completely missed my entrance. And where, oh, where was the dancing lion?" someone suddenly shouted. Someone came out of one of the entrances. buggy the clown Crap. I hid in his shadow but didn't listen to what he was saying because I was looking around for a way to get us out of here.

Suddenly my new friends were surrounded by Buggy's crew and I knew I had to intervene. "-I suppose I'll have to offer them a pound of flesh instead." Buggy said.

3rd person POV:

"Ummm I'd like to object to that," said a voice behind Buggy, in front of Buggy? The people in the arena gasped in astonishment when a young girl stepped out of the clown's shadow. Stepping out of the shadows was one thing, but her red eyes made every hair on everybody stand up. Even Buggy had goosebumps. The girl pointed to Luffy, Nami, and Zoro: "I still need them. Take us prisoner Buggy, but you must be aware that we will get out of here one way or another." Two of Buggy's crew members grabbed the girl and Buggy stood in front of her and looked at her. "You're pretty scary little one, I have to give you that. Take them to the dressing rooms, where they're bound to have a not-so-good time. I'll take the one with the straw hat," Buggy said. Misty, Nami, and Zoro were put in a room. Zoro was tied to a spinning board, Nami was put in a cage and Misty was handcuffed to some sort of pole over her head.

"So, shall we talk about what that was?" Nami asked after the pirates left. Misty looked at her questioningly. "You just disappeared from the box and you came out of Buggy's shadow with blood-red eyes. Are you a devil fruit user?" she asked. Misty shook her head, "I was born with these powers." She said no more. Zoro looked at her. He saw that she didn't like talking about her powers. Misty's eyes grew heavy and she seemed to fall asleep. So Misty didn't notice the argument between Zoro and Cabaji. "Hey, wake up, we have to help Luffy." Zoro woke Misty up. He cut the bonds and helped her up. Misty looked at him gratefully and stretched. Before they entered the arena, she held Zoro: "I will go back into the shadows and will try to use their fear against them. If I lose my temper, if I am no longer myself, kill me." Before Zoro or Nami could say anything, she disappeared.

Misty crept through every shadow of the crew members, letting them see their fears. Buggy didn't know how he felt as all his crew members ran away screaming. While doing so, Nami freed Luffy who was stuck in a water tank. Buggy started attacking the three with his body parts but was interrupted. "Buggy, Buggy, you've been a very naughty boy." Misty whispered. She decided to play with him a bit. She stepped out of the shadows and took one of the seats next to one of the 'spectators'. "Look at yourself. You are all alone against a demon and three very good pirates.", she said and you could hear how her voice started to distort. 'So that's what she meant by 'losing myself.''' Zoro thought.

Black veins began to run down her neck and her eyes began to shine, a creepy smile now adorning her face. She took Buggy's face in her hands and looked at him. "Luffy, Nami, open those boxes and bring them here," she said while pointing at the boxes. The two nodded and placed the boxes around the two. Without breaking eye contact with Buggy, she proceeded to rip off all his body parts and put them in the boxes. She left nothing but his feet, his hands, and his head. Now things got worse. The shadows around the friends came alive and Zoro knew what to do. He stepped forward and cupped her face gently, "You're stronger than this, don't let it define who you are. Fight it. Misty, please try. We're here, we're all here. I know that you would never hurt us." Misty heard his voice and fought her demon. She made it and collapsed in his arms.

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