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back to Misty's POV:

After a while Kaya came to the party and I had to admit she looked incredibly pretty. And I wasn't the only one who thought so. Ussop's mouth was hanging open and I just thought it was funny. I stepped next to Ussop: "Shut your mouth otherwise flies will come in." Kaya was standing in front of us and I hugged her: "I know we've only known each other since today, but happy birthday and I hope that many more will follow." Kaya took my hand: "Thank you so much. You are not at all what I would have expected in a pirate." I grinned Kaya now wanted to Nami and I took my distance again.

A 'YES' snapped me out of my thoughts. I went to Zoro: "What's the matter?" Zoro just answered 'Food'. I was really happy to get something between my teeth. We were taken to a dining room. Zoro pulled my chair back and said jokingly: "My lady." I laughed softly: "Thank you sir" Then he sat down next to me. While we were eating the staff disappeared after a while and so did Merry. We were still eating when I got a bad feeling. "Umm Misty, is everything alright?" Kaya asked, looking worried. I shook my head, "Something's wrong. Something terrible has happened. If it's okay with you guys, I'd like to lie down."

I got up and went to my room. The first thing I did was peel off my dress and put on something more comfortable. After that, I opened one of the windows and let some air in, but the feeling never faded. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice the lights go out. I lay down and fell asleep.

"Misty~, Misty~, come on you little rat, wake up." A voice woke me up. I opened my eyes I was no longer in my room, just surrounded by blackness. Red eyes rose from the black. It was a canine creature. "Okay, hello you. It's been a while since we last talked," the creature said. "W-who are you?" I asked anxiously. "If you lose your temper, I'll come, I'm your biggest fear, but I'm also the one who takes care of you. But you locked me away. No, not you, your grandparents. I'm Narfi."

I woke up with a loud sigh. At my foot was a young black golden retriever looking at me. "Narfi?" I asked. The dog got up and walked towards me and licked my face. "Yes, you really are my protector," I said, smiling and stroking him over the head. A knock snapped us out of our little moment: "Wait here." I opened my door and saw Nami with a panic-filled face. "What's going on?" I asked her as she squeezed past me. "The employees are pirates and it seems they killed Merry and Zoro." She said in panic. Then she saw the dog on my bed. "Who is that? How long have you known a dog?" she asked as she stepped closer to him. Narfi growled. "Narfi, no. Nami that's my demon as I found out just 5 minutes ago. My grandparents did something after my first escape so he couldn't get out. But back to the topic: THE EMPLOYEES ARE PIRATES?!", I summarized everything.

Suddenly the shutters went down, the whole house was now locked. 'Shit.' I thought. Gmork came to my side: "Let's find the others and defeat these pirates." Nami and I stuck our heads out, no one was in the aisles. "Narfi, be vigilant and always stay close to me," I said. Narfi let out a growl and followed us quietly. We were now in front of a door and Nami went in first. "Wait here, he will come for her and you are stronger than me.", Nami said and closed the door in my face. I looked down at Narfi, who wrinkled his nose.

I sat on a windowsill and waited. Suddenly Narfi raised his head with a growl, footsteps approached us. I hopped off the windowsill and stood next to Narfi. "Well, well, well, look at that. I haven't really dealt with you yet. Let's see how you do.", the man said and raised his knives. I swallowed hard. Nafri licked my hand and growled at the man. 'Focus Misty, channel the energy and use it against him,' said a voice in my head. Narfi.

The man backed away slightly

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The man backed away slightly. "What's up, never seen a demon before?" I asked him as a small smile crept onto my lips. I channelled the newfound energy into my hands and shot it at him. He dodged. 'He's fast, very fast,' I thought. I closed my eyes and listened to him walk around. He came to a halt when a cough was heard on the wall. "Oh no," I mumbled. The man grinned and shot his knives into the wall. He disappeared and I felt a pain in my head and everything around me went dark.

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