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Fog, your friend and helper in dire situations

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Fog, your friend and helper in dire situations. "So, are we talking about Luffy just calling the Vice Admiral 'Grandpa'?" I asked Zoro, Nami, and Ussop while we stood at the helm. "Oh that, yeah well I don't know the guy that well." Ussop said to get away from the situation. Zoro, on the other hand, didn't find the situation that bad, as did I. Yes, he is the Vice Admiral of the Navy, but the two couldn't be more different. "Hey, you guys smell that?" Luffy suddenly asked. I started smelling the air. It smelled like food. "Smell what?" Nami asked. Luffy raised his finger and started smelling the air again: "There's something on the breeze. Smells like butter. Soy sauce. And meat." Ussop stepped forward: "Look, Luffy, playing follow the smell is fun and all, but we really need to get out of this fog." Luffy remained stubborn: "I know, but I smell food." I rolled my eyes: "As soon as it comes to food, he suddenly gets serious."

We followed his nose for a little while when suddenly a gleam of light rose out of the fog. "What's that?" Zoro asked, leaning over the railing. "An island?" I asked looking at Nami. She shook her head: "Can't be. There aren't any islands anywhere near here." As we got closer we saw several ships docked at a pier, It was a restaurant and it smelled amazing. Narfi walked up to me and happily wagged his tail. "I have an idea, let's eat." Luffy said and left the ship. "Narfi, you stay here, and don't worry, I'll sneak something out with you." I whispered to him. Then I quickly went back to my cabin, grabbed one of the books Kaya gave me, and left the ship.

"Welcome to Baratie. How can I help you?", we were greeted inside by a fish-man. Luffy stepped forward: "Hi, where do we eat?" "Do you have a reservation?" he asked. Of course, we didn't have any, but Nami took care of that. She handed the man a wad of money and we were taken to a table. I sat cross-legged between Luffy and Ussop and began to read my book. It was a book about the first to travel the seas. it was very interesting. I was pulled out of my thoughts as dishes fell to the floor. A pink-haired man appeared to be arguing with a pirate until a young man in a suit intervened. The three talked for a moment until one of them suddenly drew his pistol. The young man in the suit began to kick their guns out of their hands and brought them to the ground. "Wow," I said softly, delving back into my book.

"Hey, Misty." Ussop nudged me. I looked at him questioningly. He pointed in front of me. The young man in the suit stood in front of us. He smiled at me and wow I didn't know what to do with myself. He looked good. "I asked what the lady would like to drink?" he repeated the question, which I didn't catch, with a grin. "Umm, a grape juice, please," I said softly, not looking up. He gave a light laugh: "Right away." Zoro started laughing. "What?" I asked him snippy. "Lady?" he started laughing. I took a fork and threw it at his head. Then I stuck my nose back into my book.

After a short while, two waiters came with our food. Before I started to eat, I asked the group: "Who or rather how are we going to pay for all this?" Luffy looked at me, "Let's worry about that when the time comes." I ate some meat with mashed potatoes. It was so good, but also so much. Luffy took his glass: "That reminds me. We should make a toast. Come on. Grab your glasses." He raised it: "To the best crew sailing on the sea and to our victory! Yea!" I raised my glass, laughing. Sanji came with the bill: "Your bill, sir" I grabbed the bill because I knew that we couldn't pay this bill and shouted at Sanji: "Can you take me to the head of the house?" Sanji nodded. "Move Luffy. I'm just taking care of your crap here." I hissed softly to get out of the seat.

"Zeff, there's someone here who wants to talk to you," he said as he ushered me into the kitchen. A man with a braided beard came up to us. "How can I be of service to you, young lady," he asked kindly. I handed him the bill: "My friend overestimated himself a bit and can't pay for all this. I want to pay his debts and help here in the kitchen." His expression changed, he took the bill and stomped out. After a few minutes, he came back in with Luffy in tow: "You, Mr. Future-King-of-the-Pirates and your friend are gonna be my new chores guys. You're gonna pay off your debt with washing dishes." I nodded and started washing up.

While Luffy started now, Sanji came back in and took off his jacket. "Oy, oy. What do you think you're doing?" Zeff asked him. Sanji went back to the stove: "Come on, old man. Tight's enough." The two started arguing back and forth about whether or not he could stay in the kitchen. Luffy tugged at my shirt: "Try this, it's very tasty. I think this is the dish he cooked." I took a small piece of the tuna, it was the tastiest thing I had ever tasted.

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